Violating a Princess!


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Well I still haven't learnt to do real world quotes, as I would have lost a lot of money if I was welding this for a customer. So a bit later than claimed the bed frame is welded. I just don't have the space to tackle things this big. A very stressful time was had with Anita trying to reposition it for the next batch of welds. All the time in fear of a nasty burn or hitting the lights down. This morning we decided to fit it in Betty just to get some workshop space back!



Forum Member
Some very neat welding there (y)

Question ... Have you used the 80/20 T-slot extrusion system? (it has other names as well, but this is the US name for it -
that looks very handy for the non-welders to make up this kind of framing. I have been tempted by this having seen a few very neat van-builds on youtube and forums using this product.


Forum Member
Some very neat welding there (y)
Thank you Dave,

I've also looked at it, but I have some worries. Cost, will the fasteners rattle loose and weight.
You'd be shocked at how many meters of extrusion were used in that bed frame.
I don't think I'd have ever done it for myself if it hadn't been for the bed frame in Murky. That was originally made as a fold away heavy duty bed for a very large Fiat panel van. The project was abandoned after the customers first winter away in Spain. So I ended up with the bed frame. I cut the pivots off it and reduced it's size to a double bed. Installed it in Murky and their it remains.

In the Betty project the bed will also be a stiffener for the body due to how much I've cut out. When the windows are removed I'll weld in some steel to attach the bed too.

Welding aluminium box section isn't too hard to make look pretty. And this is the danger, if it looks pretty it's probably no good. The aluminium needs to fuse with the filler material not just sit on top. To get it to fuse you need to take more time and put in more heat. Generally you end up with a wide scruffy weld. I expect if you cut up a joint it that bed frame it would not be that good. Due to the fact there is so much welding each joint should only have a small load.


Forum Member
I think I priced using the T-slot stuff and the projected cost did put me off. I would go for it if someone else was happy to pay the price :D

What kind of weight is the frame?
I think what I would do myself is take a drive down south and get my brother (welding for over 40 years) to fix it up for me :)


Forum Member
What kind of weight is the frame?
I haven't actually weighed it, but the software claims it to be about 22kg add another couple of kg for welding.
I used 1"x2" 14g box, but I recon you'd get away with lighter. Remember the original design had to withstand extreme passion ;)

Hope your brothers eyesight is holding up better than mine, it doesn't seem to do you any favours.


Forum Member
This is a mammoth task to me and an extremely interesting read do do keep it up.

looking at some of your pics though you are much better set up for tackling it than most van builders lol

is it vehicle conversions that’s your trade if you don’t mind me asking?


Forum Member
is it vehicle conversions that’s your trade if you don’t mind me asking?
Thanks Nabsim,
I often sit and think "what have I taken on", but then I've sort of done it all before. Difference this is being done in one go, not over many years.
We have a small machine shop, big hobby size really. We don't like big batch work or anything we'd have to work on for more than a month. We mainly make parts for historic motorcycles. Though if there aren't too many or it's not too big we'll tackle most things.
But, no we are not vehicle converters.


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Temporary addition to the Battery box a BMV712 at the weekend. By the time I tidied the wiring and made the new cable that was most of a day gone. What it quickly proved that one battery was not fit for purpose and the other was being mistreated. So today another Varta blue motive 140Ah battery fitted. At some point I should find a box for the shunt and a home for the display.


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So today I checked on my new battery only to find the voltage at 21volts :( Oh yes I replaced the wrong battery. Battery swap done this evening.


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Just been reading through a lot of the threads, makes interesting reading. There are certainly a lot of positives and potential. The tracking in the flooring is a huge asset and gives loads of potential for moving, adjusting seating bedding and other layouts for a start without being stuck to just the 1 layout. G


Forum Member
Just been reading through a lot of the threads, makes interesting reading. There are certainly a lot of positives and potential. The tracking in the flooring is a huge asset and gives loads of potential for moving, adjusting seating bedding and other layouts for a start without being stuck to just the 1 layout. G
Thanks for taking the time to read. It nice to have others options. Personally I find the tracking a pain. Even more so in bare feet. I’d remove it if it wasn’t holding the floor in place. It’s bolted to the chassis and clamps the floor in place. The side tracking may prove to be more useful. Watch this space and see if you agree.


Forum Member
I will. Yeah its bolted through the flooring as generally they are used to hold belted seats in situ to meet the Construction and Use Regs as you probably know. Ideal for say if you wanted to fasten a motorbike or similar down if that was your thing. You can get rail toppers to cover what you dont need and leave what you do require exposed to use. But thats the thing with what your doing, its down to what you want to make it.
I suppose you get a lot of comments/advise that really doesnt meet your plans, but every now and again someone might just mention something that rings a wee bell in the old noggin and you think hang on that could work!
Anyway makes an interesting read.
Good luck and you have plenty time on your hands for now to figure things out.


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Ideal for say if you wanted to fasten a motorbike or similar down if that was your thing.
Anita would become quite unpleasant if she had to sleep with a motorbike, apparently I'm bad enough :(
You may have noticed the large space under the bed. That's the storage area for dirtier things. The boot door will be bonded into the body. A new small door will be made in the side.


Forum Member
Anita would become quite unpleasant if she had to sleep with a motorbike, apparently I'm bad enough :(
You may have noticed the large space under the bed. That's the storage area for dirtier things. The boot door will be bonded into the body. A new small door will be made in the side.
Lol. I will have a look again. I was just selling something to a guy just now who has a mini bus buisness. I was trying to remember the name of the tracking last night. UWIN, costs a small fortune for the tracking and fittings. G


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Another little job fixed on Betty is the drivers air seat. It was like a pogo stick and was a pain trying to get any kind of pedal control. The plan was to replace it, but they are not cheap. I put a new damper in the seat and replaced some air fittings. Also managed to get the height adjustment working. Now the seat behaves itself.
You may notice in the picture a bit more fabrication, I have a shower wall and an end wall to the kitchen work top. Harder to see is two panels Anita made for me to join the outside floor supports to the rear support. So just above the floor in each rear corner. I’m glad she made them as I have been putting that job off.
Levelling jacks have put an end to play in that area until I have a solution.



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Sample Ram turned up today so I just had to abandon work to go and play.
As usual nothing is easy! I will have to strip the ram and remove the oil fittings.
Make some new smaller right angled ones and weld them on.
I've modelled the box section it has to fit and the new ram profile.
The box section will need slippers made and the ram should have enough wriggle room.
80 x 80 x 3mm for the larger box section.


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I watched a YouTube vid on this before, think it was The Trudgians, seemed to work well but I wasnt convinced about the guys technical abilities!

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