Just when you think you are winning.
The winning bit first. Murky developed a noisy water pump on it's M12 ebespacher. Not the end of the world as very easy to change. The £260 plus is not so nice. Webasto use the same pump and can be a little cheaper. Still unhappy with the price I found the very same pump at US boat shop. Even with shipping and taxes sub £200. A win I think.
The pump on Murky had been replaced with the new one for the Betty build, so poor old Betty gets the noisy one!
New pump fitted to Betty and all is good in the world, but where is the water going after half an hour of bleeding.
Anita has a look underneath and spots a small waterfall from the back of the engine

Engine cover off and removes a cover and a bracket to expose a naughty core plug.
In the fight to do this I drop Anita's phone I was using as a torch. It didn't hit the floor!
Can't see it from the top, so Anita does the back wiggle and goes underneath to find it resting on the exhaust.
Out comes a very Black Anita, me thinks she'll have to wash the bottom again.
Core plug removed and measured. Ordered a new one from Mercedes, let hope they are still in stock.