Final piece of the Electrics Locker installation is now done
The locker is quite a small area and when the Multiplus is running at a fairly high level for either Charging or Inverting, it generates a fair amount of heat. The Multiplus can run pretty hot without an issue, but the output is derated as the temp increases so the lower the temperature the better for that reason as well as better for the Device components itself.
Here is a chart of the temperature in the locker as the Multiplus (EasyPlus Compact in this case) is charging the battery at an average rate of 42.5A for two hours ...
View attachment 4642
In that two hour period, the locker temp went from 22C upto 37C. Still well within the operating temperature, but a fair old increase, and I wanted to address that.
So I took the locker door and changed its appearance a little ....
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Added an extraction fan to the door for some forced cooling. This is controlled by a temperature controller that turns on and off depending on the temperature.
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Once this was wired up, I put the charger on again (and actually upped the max charge rate from 45A to 52A now I have better cooling potential). And logged what happened...
View attachment 4649
Here the stating temp was 20C (before - 22C) and went up to 31C (before - 37C) so quite a difference there despite the Multiplus running harder and for 50% longer (3 Hrs rather than 2 Hrs)
You may notice the initial increase in temperature is similar to before? that is because the fan had not kicked in at that stage - you can probably predict the time the fan came out by the extended time between changes

And as soon as the fan started operation, it made a key impact.
I have not quite worked out the right point to have the fan kick on yet

The next shot shows the Temperature against the fan running or stopped.
View attachment 4650
It cuts out earlier then I would expect and later on in the period I set the "ON" to be 25C instead of 27.5C - after which the fan stayed on for longer - and very effectively - until the temp dropped and we started to repeat the pattern to a degree.
So the vent & fan in the door is working well, but needs a bit of fine tuning so it is not just blowing for no reason (e.g. on a hot day when the Multiplus is not doing anything anyway).