Main Focus for the Motorhome currently is replacing the 3-way fridge with a Compressor Model
As said earlier, the 3-way I got working again but it was a real hassle to remove and would be equally a hassle to put back, plus the energy use is just not what I want from a fridge, so a Compresor Fridge is what will go back in.
First step was preparing for the new fridge ...
As left by the original Thetford ...
The foam strip closes round the rear sides of the fridge and would act as a barrier for heat but primarily gases from the burner. the top vent is quite a bit higher than the flue (or more precisely, the flue stops a fair bit down from the top of the fridge, which surprises me a bit).
At the rear we have the electrics and the gas pipe.
Ready for the new Fridge....
added some side packing to compensate for the thinner profile (only 30mm less though) and added a board to raise the floor
Removed the foam and ran some additional electrical wiring for an add-on, plus we have a 240V socket to allow the new fridge to easily plug in (yup, getting a 240V Compressor Fridge, not a 12V

The fridge turned out to be spot on with respect to the depth.
Pushed in to have the fridge side front positioned to the edge of the opening, there is just a few mm space between the rear base and the (now capped) gas supply
I guess it would be possible to cut and cap off the pipe so it fully out the way and have the electrics pushed to one side, but I both like the idea that it would be possible for someone to go back to standard and the extra ventilation with the rear space would not hurt either
Talking ventilation, for this installation I decided to fit a commercially produced fan kit rather than the classic DIY computer fan option and bought the Titan 120mm Twin Fan kit.
I have to say whilst it is rather expensive, I am impressed with the kit. The fans themselves are a perfect fit onto the Thetford vent fly-mesh
I do like that they are IP55 rated - handy for an installation where there could be splashing potentially.
I just attached them using tiewraps
the kit is rated at just 1A at 12V and I reused the permenant 12V wire that fed the 3-Way electronics to run the fan kit, so very simple in that respect.
And installed ready for the vent cover to be refitted.
The fans are installed so they are bringing in air from outside and blowing onto the Compressor. I left enough cable length to allow the fans to be fitted to the top vent instead, in which case the fans would be fitted the other way round to extract air from the cabinet and blow it outside. I think fitting on the lower vent will be best, but good to keep your options open
The Titan kit has a little controller with which you can select "Manual" mode - so fans are on and you choose speeds from 5 presets; or you choose "Auto", where the fans come on at 20C, the speed increases with higher temps and at 40C the fans are on full speed.
Wanted to fit this so it is handy to use but not 'jarring' as it is not a really attractive control unit
in this cupboard that houses the table could be useful?
The gap between the inside vertical panel and the door is just enough for the depth of the controller
Next step is securing and finishing off the fridge installation.