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  1. xsilvergs


    I like your "simple solution" very much, I guess I've made mine more complicated because i can which isn't always a good thing. I was already using the BMV's relay to control the Battery Disconnect, am I missing something? Victron seem to offer many many options to switch a rely but too few...
  2. xsilvergs


    I control the inverter with a few restrictions, here is part of my code which is run every X seconds: var inbound = msg.payload; var upper = 90.0; var lower = upper - 3; if(inbound === true){ var switchState = flow.get("switchState") || 0; //get switch state from this flow, if value is empty...
  3. xsilvergs


    Automatic is good, I went down the manual route which is fine but confuses my wife.
  4. xsilvergs

    This is interesting for those of a geeky disposition

    In the 70's I was using equipment very similar to this for charging lead acid and alkaline batteries in aircraft, great for recovering batteries, just wind up the voltage until they started to pass current :cool: . No girls to share with just a odd chap called Vic who supposedly lived in a...
  5. xsilvergs

    Victron Cerbo GX with GUI

    I never got round to that. Paul who does work for Jonathan did get Ablemail kit talking with Victron stuff I believe over modbus. Partly reluctant due to Ablemail using RS232 (is it 232?). I do have a lead from Jonathan so will try one day.
  6. xsilvergs

    Victron Cerbo GX with GUI

    Earlier this year I stopped using the Victron web portal as I have little need to look at what my panels yielded on this day last year (I know it does more) so I designed my own UI using Node-Red. Node-Red is a graphical programming language, great for rapid programming, runs on most OS and most...
  7. xsilvergs

    Chinese diesel air & water heater test / review

    It just seemed a different way to the Truma. I liked the way it only heated the amount of water needed, put 5 in the tank heat it, use it all, little water left to go cold. Our Truma on ECO heats to 40*C and on HOT to 60*C, and to do either it eats gas. As you may guess I'm not a fan of our...
  8. xsilvergs

    Chinese diesel air & water heater test / review

    This looks very interesting, it looks better than our Truma gas/electric water/air heater.
  9. xsilvergs

    Diesel Heater On All Night

    There is also a lot of good information there, have you read Ray Jones's posts? Take a look at for some of his work. Oh and don't get Ray's afterburner project confused with the rip off from Scotland. On all these forums including this one there is misinformation.
  10. xsilvergs

    Diesel Heater On All Night

    I have read the same. There is a "Chinese Diesel Heater" group on Facebook with loads of info. From memory you need a certain controller to allow fuelling adjustment.
  11. xsilvergs

    Victron Multiplus - Setting up the Inverter

    VE.Configire, Windows only!
  12. xsilvergs

    needing a little advice please

    Hi Tom, Where did you purchase your Calb cells from? I follow Will P' on YouTube and have seen these cells but have never known anyone in the UK buy some.
  13. xsilvergs

    Turbo-charging Motorhome Electrics

    I'd give my right arm for 10 Watts, I'm over twice that, router, RPi and a couple of D1 mini's 😆
  14. xsilvergs

    Turbo-charging Motorhome Electrics

    Do you know what causes the step change from -17.5W to -10W and then the noisy bit before going to -22.5W? Not sure I need to know about the Multiplus but I would be very interested in your setup for the Easyplus which may be on my Christmas list (not this year sadly).
  15. xsilvergs

    Turbo-charging Motorhome Electrics

    @wildebus Nice looking Midi Fusebox (from the image), do you have a link to supplier (or is it you)?
  16. xsilvergs

    Bit of an electrical quandary ....

    David, Thank you for your reply, loads of info and points to consider and things I hadn't thought about. Geeky Phil has said the alternator fitted to a Fiat has overheat protection, I guess a thermistor fixed to the alternator would be an easy way to sense its temperature. I did try using...
  17. xsilvergs

    Bit of an electrical quandary ....

    This may be drifting from the original topic but as we're talking about the Orion TR-Smart I'll ask my question. If I used the H triggered from a D+ signal can either the 'Input voltage lock-out' or the 'Engine shutdown detection' be used to stop the Orion from trying to charge the LB while the...
  18. xsilvergs

    Bit of an electrical quandary ....

    Figure 4 Only an ignition switch shows the 2 pins shorted together, I may have read that this isn't correct though. We need somebody to try this, @wildebus ;-) It's a shame Victron does clarify this, there a a few people on the Victron group who have asked similar questions.
  19. xsilvergs

    Bit of an electrical quandary ....

    You could be right, just found this:
  20. xsilvergs

    Bit of an electrical quandary ....

    Having looked at the wording in the "Engine shutdown detection" and the words "starts to determine" I wonder if this is to do with smart alternators and their varying voltage.