Search results

  1. SquirrellCook

    Victron Energy + Raspberry pi Physical installation of components, How to achieve it ???

    Yes Cerbo, I meant. It’s a good job you know what I’m on about. It’s been a draining day.
  2. SquirrellCook

    Victron Energy + Raspberry pi Physical installation of components, How to achieve it ???

    Just a start, but these are the tank sensors I’m planning on using. These I hope should talk to the victron cerbo. I’m also planning on monitoring with a raspberry pie...
  3. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    DC - DC converter now mounted to the distribution board, as usual just a lash up for testing. Finally having 12 volts I'm able to start testing some installations. I went for the easy ones first and have now tested both Maxfans, relieved that they are wired correctly. Phew! Still to test the...
  4. SquirrellCook

    Distribution Board

    Good point, switched mode oscillators can be electrically noisy blighters.
  5. SquirrellCook

    Distribution Board

    Anita failed as well. Different seller, but still using Yodel. Yodel haven't even attempted a delivery, so being sent back to China!
  6. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    I was supposed to be working this weekend as the weather was going to be too wet for bricklaying. The machining job I was given had an hours cycle time that allowed me to escape and touch up Betty a little. I cleaned and painted the left hand footwell to allow me to insulate it. This is an...
  7. SquirrellCook

    Interesting Build Series on YouTube

    Trevor, some kind of pre-treatment/rust inhibitor would have been a better way to go. Painting white hammarite directly to the steel made me cringe too. The instructions says it's fine! Very few of us have had rusty vehicles long enough to know what works and what doesn't. Let's face it, the...
  8. SquirrellCook

    expedition vehicle aluminum windows

    When you’re taking on work the size they do, it doesn’t take long to be overwhelmed.
  9. SquirrellCook

    expedition vehicle aluminum windows

    Looks impressive and a bit like domestic windows. I guess if you were having them made you could ask for any glass you wanted.
  10. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    Start another post, state your eberspacher type and the colours or the wires in the loom coming from it. I have known them have other colours wires than standard eberspacher.
  11. SquirrellCook

    Gas Combi Boilers, who's got one...???

    It would worry me having combustion inside the vehicle. I don’t expect you’ll have it on for long so shouldn’t be any trouble.
  12. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    Half a day spent installing the eberspacher M12 fuel pump, how could it have taken so long! I was lazy and used an existing hole in the chassis to mount the pump. Routing the plumbing was the pain. Trying to find a direct, but safe route for the fuel pipe and pump wiring. Now having a fuel...
  13. SquirrellCook

    Gas Combi Boilers, who's got one...???

    Does it take it's combustion air from outside?
  14. SquirrellCook

    Gas Combi Boilers, who's got one...???

    It will be interesting to read later how you get on with it.
  15. SquirrellCook

    Low loader box van camper conversion

    Hello and welcome, Had you thought about visiting a commercial auction? One way to look around a few versions without committing yourself.
  16. SquirrellCook

    Upgrading and sussing out electrics.

    Mercedes use brown as ground!
  17. SquirrellCook

    Upgrading and sussing out electrics.

    DC circuits, generally external where they want extra protection and tidier wiring.
  18. SquirrellCook

    Upgrading and sussing out electrics.

    It's very common to find red and black sheathed electrical cable on commercial vehicles that have been repaired or altered.
  19. SquirrellCook

    Diesel Heater On All Night

    The eberspachers go into an extra high setting when they start up, then drop back depending on how they have been set and temperature.
  20. SquirrellCook

    DVSA checks

    I lost a morning finding the few snippets I posted. The things most people don't realise and wouldn't even accept if shown are these. 1. Taxation class is just that. It has no relevance to what the vehicle is being used for except in specific cases. A PHGV Motorhome is a M class passenger...