I've got to say that my wife and I have travelled all over Europe for the past 25 years and we have never worried about running out of water, water is available in a multitude of places around the continent ( Not so much in the UK I admit) but non the less water in the UK is available if you know where to look ( Church yards for one). I use the standard 12mm semi ridgid and we shower ( Separately) at least every 2-3 days and have never run out of water, yes we shower quickly even wash our hair, no you can't stand in the shower as at home for 15mins but that is not necessary when on tour. We in our present van run a Truma 4 and in the main shower with hot water unless the weather is so hot that a relief of a cold shower is called for, so in affect I'm suggesting that unless you have a water storage tank of less than 70Ltrs all this talk of wasted water is a little over worrying. If you are only carrying a 30-50ltr tank having a shower room is a bad decision in the first instance, to me a 90-120ltr tank is a must if you intend to have a shower room. Phil