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  1. SquirrellCook

    Electrical Installation - a bit of market research .....

    I think limiting the items that it will be compatible with may be useful, especially if you can supply them to.
  2. SquirrellCook

    Electrical Installation - a bit of market research .....

    I think you are on the right track David. From experience though, you will need to market it and it a big way. Next you will have problems being able to meet demand. You make investments to scale things up, or not. Meanwhile every cowboy and opportunist will be making them too. There is a...
  3. SquirrellCook

    Not a Self-build, but a Tweaker

    This is the reason why my fridge fans are not controlled by temperature, but I imagine that tucked in your little cupboard it will lag the change in external temperature.
  4. SquirrellCook

    Eberspacher ducting.

    I think mine was about that price. This is what I used.
  5. SquirrellCook

    Favourite 3 tools

    I will soon be on window replacement again, this time I think I'll have to do it as my windows man has now got a warm and dry job. :( So my favorite tool will be a 25mm Stanley extendable knife and window cleaner as a lubricant.
  6. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    We have life, including a working touchscreen. Guess it didn't like my other monitor :(
  7. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    I’m hoping to have it MOT’able by the end of the year. The fabric has been made, just need to find £1k to pay for it. Anita has been cleaning the brake callipers, so I should be able to rebuild them soon. Then throw all the bits back in and put it on its whee again. My big worry is that I’ll...
  8. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    Just when you thought the demolition had ended, I made more holes in it. Or rather cut the existing ones bigger to find good steel. I knew this area was dubious by the pop rivet and mastic repair in the floor. Everything had to be ripped out of this corner to improve insulation and hunt for...
  9. SquirrellCook

    Build supplies.

    I resisted Trevor.
  10. SquirrellCook

    Favourite 3 tools

    Much better idea than blowing fuses.
  11. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    Still David the monitor would need digging out, and that’s the easy one. Worse than that I might find jobs I haven’t done :(
  12. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    Initiating a monitor with the Pi is as much as I ever managed. That's a whole another project I need to learn about before I run out of years.
  13. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    Yes David, I had considered plugging the cerbo into a desktop monitor. The thought of tidying my desk makes the idea prohibitive :( Hence I purchased another display.
  14. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    No still waiting for it to turn up. Just been looking at the vrm portal and I can't see anything about turning the display off.
  15. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    Yes life from the pi even without a driver, but nothing from the cerbo. So how we do get the cerbo out of headless mode and in turn get me out of that mode also?
  16. SquirrellCook

    Favourite 3 tools

    I bought an electric screw driver about 30 years ago, it was an expensive waste of money. Put me off for life. I have no problem spending money, but it must do the job you paid for.
  17. SquirrellCook

    Favourite 3 tools

    The most useful thing I have is Anita ;)
  18. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    New 7" screen has been ordered, let's see if it likes that.
  19. SquirrellCook

    Violating a Princess!

    The replacement water pump has just turned up, I think I have gone from one extreme to another. At half the price of the common ones I'll give it a go. A nice big accumulator will help.