not saying your setup is unsafe.Dave I defy anyone to come over to my van and remove my sat dome or solar panel without totally destroying the dome mountains or the solar panel and mounting. Believe me after a few discussions of this kind I have been out and on the roof and attempted to pull either off and have stopped short of destroying the panel. Phil
Dave I defy anyone to come over to my van and remove my sat dome or solar panel without totally destroying the dome mountains or the solar panel and mounting. Believe me after a few discussions of this kind I have been out and on the roof and attempted to pull either off and have stopped short of destroying the panel. Phil
Although I have great respect for Victorian engineering, it was of the time, I'm certain that Victorian engineering would never have been able to put a man on the moon or explore space as we have, times are a changing and always will, one has to put your faith in modern technology or stay in the dark ages as they say. Phil
Exactly, my point great engineers in their time, but then labour was cheap and so was material, it's time to move on as has the rest of this world. We now have even greater inventors and engineers in this country but their achievements are not as obviously in our face as with the Victorians but are just as inventive such as adhesive sealant. Phil
I really do understand the panick situation that some of our members are under with this problem of glue or screw or maybe even glue AND screw, I have been involved with the motor trade for longer than I would like to admit to, yes if you have a Red coloured van with lacquer or a van with metallic paint and lacquer or any number of paint combinations that have now shown signs of adhesion problems then do not just stick your roof top additions down use screws as well, but for those that do not have any of these problems stick em down, but for those that will only screw and glue, please do not spread the doom and gloom that you are doing, I think there is enough of that already. Just understand and tell it as it is if your paint is solid and well adhered then hurricane force winds are not going to let go of your life threatening solar panels, and even if it does that chances of it ( GOING THROUGH THE SCREEN OF A FOLLOWING VEHICLE AND KILLING ALL ITS OCCUPANTS is infinitesimal) but admittedly is feasible. PhilI removed one of photonic universe sticky panels from the roof of my car. It required a crowbar and about an hour of work. The roof of the car witheld most of the glue where it still remains to this day as it's impossible to remove. Not in a million years was that panel coming off.
Oh Dave, if someone only sticks a solar panel on something like your example then they have no right building a motorhome, of course there has to be a certain amount of intelligence required when attempting any sort of project. I think that I will personally leave this discussion at that. PhilIf not metallic or red you are ok?
Maybe an extreme example, but not that unusual. Sorry, but I would not trust glue on a painted surface as a single method of adhesion.
And no, it is not a "panic situation"
But a test of strength which ever way you count science . Yes yes I know "but it's only as strong as paint adhesion" That is where intelligence becomes essential and where the right decision is of paramount importance. PhilOne of the least scientific tests I've ever seen.