An exceptionally old post, but as I am new here I hadn't seen it before.
My somewhat battered ex shop fitters 2008 LWB Master only cost me £4k, but I then spent rather more than I had expected to on the conversion ending up with a total cost (inc. initial van purchase) of slightly North of £11k.
When I prepared my application for the DVLA I went totally over the top by preparing a case bound A4 booklet that had 14 very detailed images of 'Millie' along with a spread sheet giving all the details of expenditure, I sent this to them by to be signed for recorded delivery.
Some 11 days after sending in my application I received the duly changed V5 document.
Next I sent another copy of the booklet off to my then insurance broker (Adrian Flux) asking them for an agreed valuation, this resulted in them phoning me and in the following conversation an agreed valuation was reached, it being £13k which I subsequently received in confirmation from them. It is this valuation which is now with my current insurer Scenic who are a truly excellent and knowledgeable organisation.
But as for valuations, I frequently blanch when seeing the prices some advertisers are asking for total sheds!!
Bonne chance