I am surprised with the Sprinters being at #1 most of the time. I was talking to my DPD driver, who had a Sprinter for a couple of years and was constantly breaking down. They would fix one thing and something else would break driving away from the garage (reminded me of my 1982 Austin Ambassador Company Car!). He said everyone at his depot who has a Sprinter hates them and those who were able to chose choose anything but (Masters, Transists, Relays, whatever). He finally managed to dump the Sprinter and has a MAN (the more bigger business version of the new Crafter) and totally loves it.
As an aside, I watched this video the other day and though old Georges comments of Sprinter vs 'Promaster' (and Transit at the end) were quite interesting for converters
Note that it is in the USA, where there are different engine ranges and also when watching, remember when he is saying "Promaster" it is like saying "Sevel" (Relay/Boxer/Ducato)