Do you carry a scooter or motorbike in your garage?

Millie Master

Forum Member
I have just seen this new thread over on the sister site Motorhomer posted by someone called @Activecamper.

I believe quite a few of us on here carry either a motorbike or motor-scooter in a garage at the back of your van, if you do and if this can be believed, this could well affect you: -


Just passing on what I've read on a Facebook forum....

Some guy in a self built campervan, registered with DVLA as a motorcaravan, but carrying a motorcross bike in the garage was pulled randomly by VOSA and then been "done" - as VOSA say using the campervan to transport a motorbike makes it not a campervan - it become a "living van" and needs different MOT, taxation class, speed limits etc.

DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER - I know no more than that! But reading gives a bit more info, and specifically lower down when the author contacted the authorities and appear to had it confirmed if there is a "garage" for storage of a motorbike (or car) - so like racevans or, technically, includes an A class with a moped in the garage!

I'd never heard of this, but with one known person being pulled and prosecuted for it (when he thought he was complying with all laws) - then it is reality. Apparently he is seeing his solicitor but who knows what will happen.

Anyone else heard of this before?


Forum Member
Cannot see this as so because many do pull small cars behind vans,as long as its for sdp and not used in connection with any biz or car boot sales etc.


Forum Member
One thing I must mention is that VOSA are now self funding and a private concern authorised by the ministry of transport under licience. My eldest son who has just undergone a HGV course told me that he was warned on the course that VOSA officials are now regularly patrolling UK motorways and main A roads hunting down any excuse to fine motorists for the slightest motor traffic offence that comes under their remit to bolster their coffers. These offences are mainly under the vehicle construction and use rules. Phil


Forum Member
Cannot see this as so because many do pull small cars behind vans,as long as its for sdp and not used in connection with any biz or car boot sales etc.

If your pulling a trailer as I do with a motorbike it is not a fixed part of the vehicle, but if you have it inside a garage it then could be construed as a commercial Race transport, then you would have to prove in court that its not, VOSA are under no obligation to prove it is, after all they are in law ( supposedly) the experts in what is classed as what. Phil

As an aside to this, an VOSA officer would have to be fairly hard nosed to say that about what is obviously someone going on holiday.


Forum Member
If your pulling a trailer as I do with a motorbike it is not a fixed part of the vehicle, but if you have it inside a garage it then could be construed as a commercial Race transport, then you would have to prove in court that its not, VOSA are under no obligation to prove it is, after all they are in law ( supposedly) the experts in what is classed as what. Phil

As an aside to this, an VOSA officer would have to be fairly hard nosed to say that about what is obviously someone going on holiday.

yup, there is the key difference TECHNICALLY about something being inside the vehicle or outside - either being towed or on a rack.
A bit daft IMO, but most of these splitting-hair regulations are that way.


Forum Member
What would be the difference between a motor scooter/bike and a pedal bike?
If you’re the pedal bike was for racing? Or come to that a invalid scooter?



Forum Member
I feel but don't know for sure that the real controversial point is the amount of space adapted to carrying a load of what ever sort, whereby the space put aside has no potential for habitation and could be construed that its intention was to carry a load for profit. The motorhomes with very large garages at the rear built by commercial builders have probably ( Though again not certain ) have had their products approved by the ministry of transport as definite motorhomes with rear storage facilities.

I could suggest that those that have been stopped by VOSA and reported as "Racevans", commercial vehicles etc, have no real attempt to make the habitation to an excepted standard and so on inspection the VOSA officer could possibly think " Your having a laugh". Though again I could be being unfair.😏 Phil

Millie Master

Forum Member
I could suggest that those that have been stopped by VOSA and reported as "Racevans", commercial vehicles etc, have no real attempt to make the habitation to an excepted standard and so on inspection the VOSA officer could possibly think " Your having a laugh". Though again I could be being unfair.😏 Phil

If a motorhome with even quite a large garage was carrying a scrambles bike (for instance), but if the majority of the van was made over to living space and even if you were on the way to a scrambling event............... Surely if you are a private person and not receiving any kind of financial remuneration, then surely the van's main purpose could be argued to be mobile living accommodation.
If the above was me and if I had been stopped by VOSA, then I might well fight them in the courts!!


ps. Although of course it all depends how generally snotty the driver was of the motorhome. If he was shouting and screaming at the VOSA bod rather than being all humble pie, then I suppose that is when they might just start to throw the book at you.


Forum Member
You would all be best to move here as we would not stand for clap trap,a touch of the heads would soon sort things out.


Forum Member
I have read on other forums that if vosa catch you wit a bike in garage you will be fined as its not allowed.


Forum Member
I have read on other forums that if vosa catch you wit a bike in garage you will be fined as its not allowed.
Find that hard to believe Trev as some of the flimsies are actually sold on the fact that you can carry a scooter in the garage. Phil.


Forum Member
Find that hard to believe Trev as some of the flimsies are actually sold on the fact that you can carry a scooter in the garage. Phil.
Its on some sites where a chap got done,i would think a electric scooter will be fine,this is something i read a week back but dam if i can find it,will try again,think its some law the boys in flossie coats have just found out about of late.
Same thing here happened about electric bikes which were breaking the law,though now sorted.


Forum Member
Halfrods were selling electric cycles here for well over a year until folk came in and told them the ecilop had taken them to court and fined,all cycles removed from shop for well over six mths until mainland law was applied because are gov in stormont is on strike,when if they do return the law will be amended to fall in line with uk.


Forum Member
I wonder if there was a fine because a bike was in the boot when inspected, OR the motorhome was overweight BECAUSE the bike was in the boot?

I can imagine the moan down the pub .... "the sods fined me when they saw the bike in the boot at the weighbridge" and not "I was overloaded after I put the bike in the boot and got fined when I got caught overweight"


Forum Member
I think you've nailed it wildebus, that is a far more likely situation, I often wonder how much over weight some of these motorhomes are when carrying motor scooters/bikes not necessarily total vehicle weight but certainly rear axle weight. Phil

Millie Master

Forum Member
Shortly after we opened our site at Manzac ( in 2004 we had a visitor arrive in a large flimsie motorhome and much to my utter disbelief from out of the garage in the back an utterly enormous 1300cc Suzuki touring bike was rolled out !!

It was a massive exercise to both roll it out and even more so to pull it back in and then when it was fully in place all that was holding it into place was a single heavy duty ratchet strap. If the (Irish) owner of this van had ever had a head on shunt I hate to think where this enormous heavy weight bike would have ended up!!


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