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I have 4 motorcycles, well 3 actually one of them is my wife's 50cc Modena scooter how she rides it I really don't know as it does tops 35mph with a folllowing wind. But she can ride it without a CBT on her car licence
I hate riding it as on straighter roads car drivers are constantly trying to overtake you, quite dangerous, but it's OK for what it's designed for round town. Anyway one of the other bikes a Daelim 125 I've given to my daughter after she had passed her CBT about a month or so ago. While following her around on the Bonni in the countryside and round town I was constantly telling her to cancel her indicators ( Use radio communication for motorcycles 6 rider). Going back 5 years I had a Yamaha 900 Diversion which had a security device on it that started to beep after 20 or 30 seconds reminding you that you were still indicating after turning, this was fairly handy as bike riders will acknowledge very dangerous to continue indicating especially left as anyone coming out of a side road will expect you to turn left and most will pull out right in front of you
. None of the bikes owned now by the family have that facility and last week while driving the van with the motorcycle trailer attached I was listening to the indicator warning buzzer that comes with the electrical kit when fitting the tow bar, then a little later the step retraction buzzer again caught my attention and I remember when I fitted the step that I'd bought the buzzer for literally pennies. Then the penny dropped what if I connect a buzzer across the indicator relay just as I had done on the step relay, so I went onto my favourite site last evening and ordered 6 12volt buzzers for £4.99. I'm not sure if the buzzer ampage is going to affect the relay so I might have to wire in 2 buzzers per bike o/s and n/s front indicators I don't know for sure but I'll try one over the relay first and if that works I'll fit one to the Herald,Bonniville,Daelim and the Scooter, they should arrive this afternoon so I'll post the result later if anyone is interested, those with motorcycles that is
. Phil