Forum Member
I created a topic around 3 years ago regarding running an normal domestic 240V AC Fridge in a Campervan (see AC Fridge In Campervan - Power Consumption Test to view)
I have since bought a motorhome that is fitted with a 3-way (12V, 240V and Gas) Fridge and want to run this in the most economical way (off Solar-Recharged batteries). This thread revolves around attempting this task and how well it will work
Will it be
or will it be
? Read on to find out!
The Motorhome fridge is a typical 3-way Fridge that are fitted into Motorhomes. Mine is a Thetford unit with a freezer compartment and is fitted with an electronic controller that detects which energy sources are available and switches to them based on a pre-determined priority, based on expected energy costs (rather then efficiency).
As 12V is 'free', we will use that when available (bearing in mind 12V DC on a 3-way fridge is not that good and will not cool a fridge down, just maintain the temp - you need Gas or AC to cool). But the task is to try and eliminate the use of Gas even when not hooked up and no EHU available!
The Campervan fridge was a highly efficient A++ Energy rated Compressor Fridge that would draw around 40W when running, and had a duty cycle (time on vs time off) of around 20%. There are much more details about this in the other thread, but basically I could run that fridge non-stop in the campervan without the need to recharge from anything but Solar.
Doing an initial test of the Motorhome fridge on AC, it is rather a different picture. It draws 200W when running and has a duty cycle more like 66% (on twice as long as it is off). That adds up to a power consumption around 7 times greater than the Compressor Fridge! So is it feasible? Will it just kill the batteries and/or not leave room for anything else to work?
The Setup
The Motorhome is equipped with 300Ah of Lead Carbon AGM Batteries, a Roof mounted Solar Array of 270W connected via a Victron 100/20 MPPT Controller and a Victron EasyPlus 1600, of which a core element is a 1300W Pure Sine Wave Inverter.
The weather was fairly good with intermittant cloud so a reasonable day for solar harvesting (End of April and 55.6 Deg North if you want to look up expected irradiation/m3
I enabled the fridges AES (Automatic Energy Selection) mode at 10:00 to switch it from GAS to auto-detect (and so it selected AC immediately) and sat back to watch what happened.
The battery SoC (State of Charge) at 10:00 was 93.6%. The fridge actually started up at 10:20 (it must have just finished a cooling cycle) and starting drawing power from the inverter.
This graph shows how the fridge cycled on and off during the day (This Thetford is actually quite an advanced fridge of its type I believe. Some fridges are just always on).
3-Way - AC Daytime by David, on Flickr
In this view I purposefully selected an 6 hour window in the daytime so you can also see what is happening to the battery during this time period when the solar is active and the fridge is going on and off...
You see when the fridge is on, there is a current draw of upto 15A shown - and when the fridge is off, there is a current in of up to 10-12A - the numbers vary as the solar harvesting varies, but the end average effect of running the Fridge on AC off the batteries during this time is best shown in the Battery SoC graph below.
3-Way - SOC Daytime by David, on Flickr
In the time period selected, the Batteries charge level went from 93.7% down to 90.8% - so under 3% battery draw to run the fridge for 6 hours.
That's not bad. And actually, it could well have been 0% or the battery still gaining charge if the solar has been more efficient.
The maximum harvesting from the 270W array I was seeing was around the 200W max (it actually peaked at 199W) so whilst we never met the demand the fridge had totally from solar, it came fairly close at times and in the fridges "Off time", could make it up to a degree.
This graphic shows the 200W load from the fridge, with 190W coming in from the Solar Array.
3-Way - Dashboard Daytime by David, on Flickr
Together with the inverter overhead and other general DC demands, we have a shortfall of 43W that the battery has to make up. With a bigger array, that would happen. If I had connected up my 100W portable solar panel to work alongside the 270W array, we would have been in 'credit' even when the fridge was on at some times.
Conclusion so far: Running a 3-way Fridge on Batteries seems good
But what about when darkness falls?
Same graph as before, but the 6 hours until midnight
3-Way - AC Night by David, on Flickr
The AC Power looks pretty much as before, but check out the current and voltage graph ... With no charging going on (except a bit before 8PM), The current is all take out and nothing going back in of course, and the voltage is on the decline (being Lead based batteries, the voltage drops as the battery depletes).
This graph of the solar confirms the charging aspect
3-Way - PV Night by David, on Flickr
So if we show the Battery SoC for the last 6 hours of the day of fridge AC use to compare to the first 6 hours of fridge AC use, there is a dramatic difference
3-Way - SOC Night by David, on Flickr
With my 300Ah Battery Bank, I am seeing the fridge take out around 5% per hour from the battery. That is really too much to be able to run the fridge on AC overnight. But compare that to the daytime - when I lost only 3% over 6 hours - 0.5%/Hour on average.
Conclusion so far: Running a 3-way Fridge on Batteries seems good when the sun is out
This is a test that I have been meaning to try out for quite a while but had to wait until I got round to installing the Solar Panels on the roof.
It does confirm as a real-world test what I had previously calculated - that being that as a matter of course, running an electrically-inefficient 3-way fridge of batteries is really only viable when you have a way to recharge those batteries at the same time. I have a fairly large battery bank of 300Ah, of which I could draw 250Ah without any issues. If I had, say, a pair of 100Ah Lithium batteries it would not provide any greater running time. If you had a bank of half the capacity, you could still run the fridge during the day off them, but the Battery SoC would fall far more dramatically once the solar started to drop away.
The approach I took to try and get the best result (which is to get the lowest gas use) within the limitations of battery power and fridge performance was to have a setup that allows the fridge to see 240V AC available when appropriate (battery at a good State of Charge) and then when the battery starts to drop to a certain point, the fridge will automatically switch to Gas.
I have done this by using a device called an SSR (Solid State Relay) that either enables or disables the passing-through of AC Power depending on if there is a DC level signal present to turn the relay on or not. And that DC signal is supplied by another relay that goes on and off depending on the batteries State of Charge.
In my case I am using a Victron Cerbo to control the relay and in the test I carried out, I used the following parameters
SOC Control Settings by David, on Flickr
The AC would be available until the Battery SOC was lower than 65% and then would shut off. And then the battery would have to recover to 80% SOC until it would come back again. (PS. the screenshot shows Start below 65%, not Stop - that is just a quirk of how the routine I am using works - it is as I described it. A alternate device such as a Victron BMV would look different)
You want a decent gap between the two as you probably don't want to have the fridge flip-flopping between AC and Gas all the time. The numbers chosen could be different for different setups and circumstances. If you were getting great solar harvesting due to array size and/or location, you might decide to run down to a lower SoC. or if you are touring each day and have a good B2B to recharge whilst driving, the same could apply.
In the test carried out, the battery actually dropped to 65% SoC shortly before midnight and the AC Power to the fridge was automatically cut off by the SSR
3-Way - SOC65 by David, on Flickr
Controlling the Fridge power with automation such as an SOC controlled relay and SSR does to a large degree also assume you have a 3-Way Fridge with AES. If you have a unit where you need to manually chose the power source, then cutting the AC power once the battery drops to a certain SoC will just stop the fridge cooling until you switched from AC to Gas. The principle still holds good however and it would be a matter of remembering to switch the fridge from AC to Gas at a certain time - in my case without AES, maybe it would be switching it to Gas before I went to bed, and back to AC mid-morning, that kind of thing. You could with a Victron BMV set an alarm to buzz once the SoC dropped and that would be your reminder to switch over?
Final Conclusion: Definately worth using the 3-way Fridge on Batteries when appropriate and on Gas when not to cut the gas bill!
I have since bought a motorhome that is fitted with a 3-way (12V, 240V and Gas) Fridge and want to run this in the most economical way (off Solar-Recharged batteries). This thread revolves around attempting this task and how well it will work
Will it be
The Motorhome fridge is a typical 3-way Fridge that are fitted into Motorhomes. Mine is a Thetford unit with a freezer compartment and is fitted with an electronic controller that detects which energy sources are available and switches to them based on a pre-determined priority, based on expected energy costs (rather then efficiency).
- Highest priority is 12V DC - Available when the engine is running (so the 12V power is regarded as a free byproduct of driving the vehicle)
- Second priority is 240V AC - Assumed to be used when at a campsite with mains EHU (where usually a fee is paid for hookup/day and not based on usage)
- Lowest Priority is Gas - Used when either electrical source is not available, but always costs money all the time the fridge is running.
The Campervan fridge was a highly efficient A++ Energy rated Compressor Fridge that would draw around 40W when running, and had a duty cycle (time on vs time off) of around 20%. There are much more details about this in the other thread, but basically I could run that fridge non-stop in the campervan without the need to recharge from anything but Solar.
Doing an initial test of the Motorhome fridge on AC, it is rather a different picture. It draws 200W when running and has a duty cycle more like 66% (on twice as long as it is off). That adds up to a power consumption around 7 times greater than the Compressor Fridge! So is it feasible? Will it just kill the batteries and/or not leave room for anything else to work?
The Setup
The Motorhome is equipped with 300Ah of Lead Carbon AGM Batteries, a Roof mounted Solar Array of 270W connected via a Victron 100/20 MPPT Controller and a Victron EasyPlus 1600, of which a core element is a 1300W Pure Sine Wave Inverter.
The weather was fairly good with intermittant cloud so a reasonable day for solar harvesting (End of April and 55.6 Deg North if you want to look up expected irradiation/m3
I enabled the fridges AES (Automatic Energy Selection) mode at 10:00 to switch it from GAS to auto-detect (and so it selected AC immediately) and sat back to watch what happened.
The battery SoC (State of Charge) at 10:00 was 93.6%. The fridge actually started up at 10:20 (it must have just finished a cooling cycle) and starting drawing power from the inverter.
This graph shows how the fridge cycled on and off during the day (This Thetford is actually quite an advanced fridge of its type I believe. Some fridges are just always on).

3-Way - AC Daytime by David, on Flickr
In this view I purposefully selected an 6 hour window in the daytime so you can also see what is happening to the battery during this time period when the solar is active and the fridge is going on and off...
You see when the fridge is on, there is a current draw of upto 15A shown - and when the fridge is off, there is a current in of up to 10-12A - the numbers vary as the solar harvesting varies, but the end average effect of running the Fridge on AC off the batteries during this time is best shown in the Battery SoC graph below.

3-Way - SOC Daytime by David, on Flickr
In the time period selected, the Batteries charge level went from 93.7% down to 90.8% - so under 3% battery draw to run the fridge for 6 hours.
That's not bad. And actually, it could well have been 0% or the battery still gaining charge if the solar has been more efficient.
The maximum harvesting from the 270W array I was seeing was around the 200W max (it actually peaked at 199W) so whilst we never met the demand the fridge had totally from solar, it came fairly close at times and in the fridges "Off time", could make it up to a degree.
This graphic shows the 200W load from the fridge, with 190W coming in from the Solar Array.

3-Way - Dashboard Daytime by David, on Flickr
Together with the inverter overhead and other general DC demands, we have a shortfall of 43W that the battery has to make up. With a bigger array, that would happen. If I had connected up my 100W portable solar panel to work alongside the 270W array, we would have been in 'credit' even when the fridge was on at some times.
Conclusion so far: Running a 3-way Fridge on Batteries seems good
But what about when darkness falls?
Same graph as before, but the 6 hours until midnight

3-Way - AC Night by David, on Flickr
The AC Power looks pretty much as before, but check out the current and voltage graph ... With no charging going on (except a bit before 8PM), The current is all take out and nothing going back in of course, and the voltage is on the decline (being Lead based batteries, the voltage drops as the battery depletes).
This graph of the solar confirms the charging aspect

3-Way - PV Night by David, on Flickr
So if we show the Battery SoC for the last 6 hours of the day of fridge AC use to compare to the first 6 hours of fridge AC use, there is a dramatic difference

3-Way - SOC Night by David, on Flickr
With my 300Ah Battery Bank, I am seeing the fridge take out around 5% per hour from the battery. That is really too much to be able to run the fridge on AC overnight. But compare that to the daytime - when I lost only 3% over 6 hours - 0.5%/Hour on average.
Conclusion so far: Running a 3-way Fridge on Batteries seems good when the sun is out
This is a test that I have been meaning to try out for quite a while but had to wait until I got round to installing the Solar Panels on the roof.
It does confirm as a real-world test what I had previously calculated - that being that as a matter of course, running an electrically-inefficient 3-way fridge of batteries is really only viable when you have a way to recharge those batteries at the same time. I have a fairly large battery bank of 300Ah, of which I could draw 250Ah without any issues. If I had, say, a pair of 100Ah Lithium batteries it would not provide any greater running time. If you had a bank of half the capacity, you could still run the fridge during the day off them, but the Battery SoC would fall far more dramatically once the solar started to drop away.
The approach I took to try and get the best result (which is to get the lowest gas use) within the limitations of battery power and fridge performance was to have a setup that allows the fridge to see 240V AC available when appropriate (battery at a good State of Charge) and then when the battery starts to drop to a certain point, the fridge will automatically switch to Gas.
I have done this by using a device called an SSR (Solid State Relay) that either enables or disables the passing-through of AC Power depending on if there is a DC level signal present to turn the relay on or not. And that DC signal is supplied by another relay that goes on and off depending on the batteries State of Charge.
In my case I am using a Victron Cerbo to control the relay and in the test I carried out, I used the following parameters

SOC Control Settings by David, on Flickr
The AC would be available until the Battery SOC was lower than 65% and then would shut off. And then the battery would have to recover to 80% SOC until it would come back again. (PS. the screenshot shows Start below 65%, not Stop - that is just a quirk of how the routine I am using works - it is as I described it. A alternate device such as a Victron BMV would look different)
You want a decent gap between the two as you probably don't want to have the fridge flip-flopping between AC and Gas all the time. The numbers chosen could be different for different setups and circumstances. If you were getting great solar harvesting due to array size and/or location, you might decide to run down to a lower SoC. or if you are touring each day and have a good B2B to recharge whilst driving, the same could apply.
In the test carried out, the battery actually dropped to 65% SoC shortly before midnight and the AC Power to the fridge was automatically cut off by the SSR

3-Way - SOC65 by David, on Flickr
Controlling the Fridge power with automation such as an SOC controlled relay and SSR does to a large degree also assume you have a 3-Way Fridge with AES. If you have a unit where you need to manually chose the power source, then cutting the AC power once the battery drops to a certain SoC will just stop the fridge cooling until you switched from AC to Gas. The principle still holds good however and it would be a matter of remembering to switch the fridge from AC to Gas at a certain time - in my case without AES, maybe it would be switching it to Gas before I went to bed, and back to AC mid-morning, that kind of thing. You could with a Victron BMV set an alarm to buzz once the SoC dropped and that would be your reminder to switch over?
Final Conclusion: Definately worth using the 3-way Fridge on Batteries when appropriate and on Gas when not to cut the gas bill!
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