Im ordering 300ah cells do you want in

Sprinter 1 cup

Forum Member
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im looking at 300 amp hour cells x 16 not 280ah and J K .bms x 4 for a 4s system.

Im looking for the shortest delivery dates ? so European stock. I know this can put £20 on each cell .

Also want a victron 3000 w inverter charger the prices have gone up as the solar panel sellers are including them as a bundle.

I've found this site for cells.

Have you found better please link and or Do you want me to order you some .


Forum Member
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im looking at 300 amp hour cells x 16 not 280ah and J K .bms x 4 for a 4s system.

Im looking for the shortest delivery dates ? so European stock. I know this can put £20 on each cell .

Also want a victron 3000 w inverter charger the prices have gone up as the solar panel sellers are including them as a bundle.

I've found this site for cells.

Have you found better please link and or Do you want me to order you some .
Prices are not looking good at the moment. 112.00 dollars a cell. Exhange rate isn't good either. Then a 10kva multiplus or bigger!

Sprinter 1 cup

Forum Member
But with electric going up in England and my freezers full . This is the last chance.
But can't find 300ah in Europe ready to ship. Only 280am, But they can be as old as 2018.

Need them befor Christmas to keep the lights on


Forum Member
Have you ever heard of anyone using up all the charge, discharge cycles. The other thing is how detrimental is it if they have been stood for a few years?

Sprinter 1 cup

Forum Member
4000 charges ! Your right as new tec no one know ! If they do, they ant advertising it. andy used 80% + through winter 45 kw battery pack. in Australia. Will inspect his bms / smart charge , charge count.

If not reach 100 % state off charge is two or 33 days 1 charge ???????

As we over AH, never charge twice aday , we wont know! In a few years well get that 80% life .

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