Wood Burners ...

n brown

Forum Member
Those look quite handy :)

I'm still only half-way through burning an old pine futon so will need to look for alternatives after that (but probably wander round the local woods for fallen branches as I'm a tight wad :dance: )
in my house in Devon we had a Eucalyptus tree and that gave off a very nice smell as you would imagine. The Sequoia that I cut down (who the hell plants a Sequoia in the garden of a domestic house!!) was an interesting smell as well.
i know eucalyptus as that was all we burnt at one point. had to clean the flue once a week. when we were travelling with the kids and very little dosh we'd burn anything to keep warm . paperbacks , old shoes, pine cones are nice but quick and hot. good for the kids to have to go out in the cold and wet to find fuel. never worried about fumes as that's what flues are for , once warm all exhaust gases go up the chimney. firing up sometimes produced a metre long jet flame apparently coming out of the roof , which occasionally startled passers-by. i prefer my Propex now though.


Forum Member
Talking about flames, the picture I posted reminded me I need to get a spark arrestor for my stove! (Hence why it was so far from the awning with the high winds that weekend).


Forum Member
Though as it turned out the oil burning stove I bought to use was.......
A tad too large for the van.... Oooops
I will have a look into this as for full timers it may be easy to get free oil from garages,a small under slung tank and some sort of pump would be required to extract some oil for each days use to a header tank.

Pudsey Bear

Forum Member
Does anyone remember the old salamander oil burners they used to have in garages in the 80s, a big bowl at the bottom and a stack above, they sounded like a pulse jet engine, but the insurance companies outlawed the because of fires, they were ok when it was just oil, (well okay ish) but some engines are so badly worn petrol would get down the bores and into the oil, then they got interesting.


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