Victron MPPT Output in Watts


Forum Member
This is the output from my solar panels today at midday.
MPPT A is two Victron 175W monocrystalline panels in series and they show 369W.
MPPT B is two Renogy 50W monocrystalline panels in series and they show 105W.
If the values can be believed that's not bad.



Forum Member
So, how do you get more out than on the label?
It was the first proper sun of the day, it had been raining and there was a breeze, so the panel temp was probably about 8*C.

Do we ever get the sun strength here in the UK that the panels are tested at?

Does anybody else ask themselves these questions?


Forum Member
I would say cooler temp was the key.

I think the rating is with an solar irradiation of 1000W/m2 - so if the sun is greater than that, you will get more as well


Forum Member
My best harvests have been in the uk. And why not, as our air is so much cleaner than Europe. Too many Europeans burn wood for heating and fill the sky with ash!

But seriously, having a cooler panel improves efficiency.


Forum Member
I don't think I've looked at solar irradiation with respect to solar panels and just assumed that the panel test figures where never achievable.

Well, from looking at this Link it would appear it is. As a solar panel is a semiconductor it should be possible calculate the output gain for change in temperature.

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