Victron ET112 Energy Meter


Forum Member
I fitted a Victron ET112 Energy Meter a couple of days ago, I'm not sure why but it's something I've wanted for a while. ET112 Link

The ET112 communicates over RS485 and reguires a USB-RS485 dongle which Victron want ~£30 for. The first eBay dongle I bought was faulty and didn't use FTDI drivers. This now needs to be returned! The second dongle:
Screenshot 2022-11-09 17.20.12.png

works perfectly. Immediately after connection to my RPi4 GX it showed up in the Device list.

I now intend to use Node-Red to display kWh used for when on metered sites in the winter. I would like to have a reset-able counter so on arrival at a new site I can set the counter to zero.

Any thoughts appreciated.

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