Forum Member
How about a simple GO AWAYYour arrogant rudeness is unnecessary. A simple "no" would have been ample.
Will that suffice?
How about a simple GO AWAYYour arrogant rudeness is unnecessary. A simple "no" would have been ample.
I could, but why would I want to?
Not sure if I am missing your point or if my original post is not clear?
I have fitted a 240V AC Fridge in my Camper.
I thought it might be of interest to report how it performs in terms of energy consumption for other people to see, as so much nonsense is written about using 240V devices and the evil devil of the Inverter sucking the batteries dry.
It’s probably the way I processed the information in your post as more a ‘Viability Or Concern’s of draw through permanent use type thing.
But sharing information or Projects about a common interest is always useful in my mind.
Every one has the right of reply wheater good bad or indiferant or even just c-ap like most of my posts.:wave:
Do they? If their reply is totally irrelevant to the subject? Is that why so many threads on this forum lose their original purpose and gist and go off at tangents?
I guess so.
Oh look a Squirrel. Anyone got any good Squirrel recipes?