Thinking about a new build


Forum Member
I'm just starting to mull over a new build. One item on my list is how to sell my current one.

Wondered whether people had good or bad stories about any particular route for selling?

I saw a post somewhere ages ago about a broker who was highly recommended; not a route I'd have thought of, but worth investigating. Except I can't find the post now of course.

Autotrader? eBay? Facebook Marketplace? Forums like this one?


Pudsey Bear

Forum Member
Found it: it was Motorhome Depot. Anyone used them happily?
No, bought and sold via them, they ask what you want then stick £3-4k on top making it a more difficult sell, Ebay it at slightly more than you want £20 for 30 days classified, don't auction it as you cannot give telephone numbers to arrange a viewing.
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Millie Master

Forum Member
Facebook Marketplace has a lot of followers and I have seen quite a few older self builds on there.

You might want to try Gumtree which is also FREE, you can try it as a free listing or use one of their relatively inexpensive deals to keep it at the top of the lists. I have sold quite a few items on here including my beloved, very low mileage and pristine MGF on there only last week at a good price and with several people wanting to buy.


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