This is very pertinent advice, but ofcourse this is just as relevant for Full sine wave models, and there are just as many Full sine waves models out there that are just as economically produced as Modified sine wave and could be just as likely to fail, it's a fact of modern life that there is a certain amount of trust that the item you have purchased will stand up to expectations. Phil
But generally the cheapest kit tends to be the ones with the lowest features - so MSW rather than PSW.
Also there are a lot of PSW inverters out there for sale that are NOT PSW Inverters. They are blatently missold, in exactly the same way with "MPPT" Solar Controllers found on eBay that are very basic PWM Controllers. And the sellers can do this because they know many people don't really understand what they are getting, they just look for words and chose the cheapest product that includes those words; plus few buyers of these products, whether they understand what they are looking for or not, actually have a way to confirm they are getting what they believe they have bought. How many people here if they were presented with a "Pure Sine Wave" Inverter could check it was really a PSW Inverter or a misrepresented MSW Inverter?
I am not knocking buying cheap
where appropriate - a few months ago I bought the cheapest 500W inverter I could find on Amazon with next day delivery as I wanted it fast and for a project where quality didn't matter. It turned out to be a very decent product, but corners were certainly cut. The croc clips it came with had undersized cable attached and the clips themselves you could bend with your little finger (they went straight in the bin). If that is what is visible, what other bits were under-specified internally which you couldn't see? There is no way I would use that inverter - or any comparable ones - unattended for hours and hours.
you say "certain amount of trust that the item you have purchased will stand up to expectations " - well, if buying at bargain basement prices I would say that I have a 'certain amount of trust that the item you have purchased will stand up to
expectations that it will fail'
But as I say, each to their own, and everyone is free to buy what they want, and in the same way I will buy (and specify for my customers) what I want