Thanks for further suggestions from
@Pudsey Bear @Red Dwarf @DnK
I did go to Leisure Lines aka Cak Tanks in Kenilworth who had the metal spring loaded type. No figures available for the force required to close them and no fitting instructions. I felt the springs were too strong.
I made a search for caravan breakers, the closest is the far side of Coventry so decided to give them a miss as when my time and some diesel to get there was added in I would rather have new stays.
I did buy one 80 Newton (about 8.1 kg force) Hafele gas strut, good quality but too much for my light doors so returned it to Toolstation. I also bought and returned a simple stay which when the package was examined turned out to be for a drop down door. The Toolstation catalogue failed to mention that important point!
I did consider making some sort of simple props but decided not to pursue what I expect would have taken up too much time.
I looked at the ebay vendor of gas struts recommended by mistericeman but the “gentlest” they had in stock were also 80N. I found another ebay source who have 50N struts not Hafele but possibly a good copy. I sent an ebay message as noted in my second post above but received no reply. I followed this up with an email but still no reply so far.
I have gambled on them being better at sending stuff than answering queries and hope to receive some 50N struts on Monday, fingers crossed.
I have, in parallel, also been looking for a PC fan to push some air into my coolbox locker. I sent simple queries to 3 ebay vendors. On further prompting one replied to say he cannot help as he could be held responsible if his advice caused a problem. I have not heard from the other two or had any response at all from the makers of Arctic PC fans own enquiry desk. Perhaps they have so many customers that they don’t need to answer simple queries.
Assuming that I do actually receive some struts next week I will let you all know how they do.
Nice locker doors
@Pudsey Bear.