Sale of self built


Forum Member
My Son has just sold the van we built about 4 years ago. Due to the fact that he and his wife have just recently had another daughter plus they have just exchanged on another house so finance and leisure time is tight.
We did a fairly good build which cost him circa £22000. He advertised it on ebay for £29995 and had a lot of time wasters and stupid offers so he put it onto "Quirky campers" and within two days had four or five serious inquiries, the third inquiry was a women who lived in Essex about 2.5hrs drive from him, she drove over and said after looking it over that it was the best one she had seen and had been looking for one for a couple of months left him a deposit of £1000 said she would return during next week after she had insured and taxed it to pick it up.
In all honesty it in my opinion was worth at least £35000 but ofcourse being self built and not having a commercial builders marker on it it's very difficult to obtain it's true value.
However none the less he's used it for 4 years, we had fun building it and learning many things along the way and has not lost money in the process and made a creditable profit to boot. So if anyone wants to sell their camper sell it on Quirky Campers. They do not except commercial constructed panel vans or coach built by commercial companies. Phil

Millie Master

Forum Member
Thanks for that Phil, my time to sell isn't just yet, but who knows when it will be and now I have the link.



Forum Member
I was thinking about this the other day. We might sell next spring, depending on one or two things, so the Quirky Campers tip is a good one.

But as you suggest: how to value it? Maybe I should look at QC over the winter and try to get a feel for it.

You say they don't accept commercial sellers, but a few I looked at were perilously close. One said they hadn't actually finished the build yet, but when they had it would look more or less the same as the one in the picture!

Still, great to get some ideas.
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Forum Member
I was thinking about this the other day. We might sell next spring, depending on one or two things, so the Quirky Campers tip is a good one.

But as you suggest: how to value it? Maybe I should look at QC over the winter and try to get a feel for it.

You say they don't accept commercial sellers, but a few I looked at were perilously close. One said they hadn't actually finished the build yet, but when they had it would look more or less the same as the one in the picture!

Still, great to get some ideas.
I am not conversant with the rules Mark I just had the details from my son but I believe when he said commercial builders, it means the likes of Bursner Swift, Autotrail etc etc, unfortunately there are always those that build and sell for a profit and unless are a registered company it's very difficult to Weedle that situation out from the genuine private sale. Phil


Forum Member
I only got £21k for our Swift 630L in perfect condition 10 years ago there wasn't anything that could be faulted on it, the purchaser had a professional motorhome inspection firm who sent two guys to go over it before he bought it, cheeky sod he got it for a song. Phil

Red Dwarf

Forum Member
Interesting comments re quirky campers.

We went to camp quirky this year, an enormous event and certainly lived up to its name. Although I wasn’t over enamoured with how the place was run (just looked like a money making exercise to me), we had a good time and met some interesting folk. The medieval bogs were enough to keep me from wanting to return, though management tells me we’re returning next year. Back to topic....

Anyway, our van is definitely quirky (you can read this as a rough crap build if you’re into millimetre perfect vans) and certainly created a lot of attention. That attention lead to a number of folk asking if it was for sale, two of which were serious and lead to very real offers. The van isn’t for sale, though I was mildly flattered that people were prepared to offer me, what I think, was strong money for it.
The van stands me at under £7k, I had a buyer at £12k!

So, perhaps Quirky campers are a good platform for, well, quirky campers!
Here’s the van at the event...

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