The ‘saga’ of my Dometic fridge.
I purchased model RM123 which is the only one which would fit into the available space in my van; on fitting it I discovered that the + & - wiring was connected the wrong way & also when trying it on gas the flame igniter would not stop clicking, I had a series of email conversations with Dometic who basically said “woops’ it’s been wired the wrong way round at our factory (hmm - quality control seems to have been zero), to cut a long story short that model is discontinued & none were available- my dealer was very good and agreed to replace it but the only model they could source was the 2 way (12v & gas) RM122 . . .
We decided that we could live without the 240v facility of the RM123 & the exchange was made (BTW the 122 is £10 MORE than the 123 - which doesn’t make sense to me seeing that it’s a 2 way against the 123 being 3 way) anyway it’s in & connected up & I’m relieved to say it’s working ok.
Had I had a larger solar setup & battery bank I probably would have gone for a compressor type fridge but I didn’t so we’ll live with the fact it uses gas only when we’re parked up, I had budgeted for a second LPG bottle so we ‘should’ then have enough to last us a month or so for cooking, heating & running the fridge - I’m hoping that I don’t hit more ‘snags’ ! Now to figure out why the Shurflo pump pulses ONLY when the tap is turned to hot water whereas it works perfectly when pumping cold water, my feeling is it can only be an air lock in the gas water heater- (why isn’t everything easy & straight forward !