Forum Member
Finally this weekend I've installed a Victron BMV 712. I remember thinking about this many times and coming up with solutions. Unfortunately I forgot the main reason I hadn't done it. I knew the battery cables would be horrible to work on due to the fact the seat, gear lever and handbrake would all be in the way. This is on a 811D LHE Coach based conversion. So fun and games I got the shunt fitted between ground and the battery negative terminal. Did a trial start of the engine and the shunt didn't melt, so that's good. Started to feel good about the progress, and that's never good as sods law will strike you down. Bugger! How are the battery chargers going to work? The way "Murky" is set up, it has three identical battery chargers for each block of 12 volts. Two for each engine start battery and one for the habitation. The engine start being connected one charger 0 - 12 volts and the other charger 12 - 24 volts. The belief being that they would be better charged this way. Unfortunately I realised too late the shunt would not see both chargers
and this is why I never fitted the BMV. The solutions I came up with was either to connect the chargers in series, or switch each to 24 volt operation and run them in parallel. I chose the latter. So apart from the obvious have I learnt anything from this expensive installation? Two new batteries would have been cheaper as they both appear to have lazy cells. 5 watts are going somewhere when it's switch off. I know some is going to the battery chargers, but it will be interesting watching the volts drop as it's parked up for the next five days.