LF inverter Better Buy ?


Forum Member
Has anyone had experince of using a lf psw inverter rather than a "normal " psw inverter . Is it true they can handle a larger surge current ? eg https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-3000W-12KW-PEAK-LF-Pure-Sine-Wave-Power-Inverter-DC12V-to-AC240v-power-tool/133002964436?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
From that listing ....
"NEW 3000W 12KW PEAK LF Pure Sine Wave Power Inverter "

so it is a 3,000W Inverter with a 12,000W Peak Capability I guess?
But in their usage table, a 3,000W LF Inverter cannot supply more than 1,500W for anything device and for some devices, it is just 500W. I wonder what makes it a 3000W Inverter, let alone one with a 12000W peak capability?
The table also says the HF Inverter cannot run virtually anything unless you get ones rated many times over the power draw (e.g. want to run a 900W Microwave, you need a 5000W HF Inverter and forget using an induction cooker with an HF Inverter)
Well, my 2400W Inverter I can - and have - pulled over 2,000W from, primarily from an Induction Hob. This is the Victron Multiplus that has FETs that switch at 20,000 a second (so pretty high frequency I guess?). Apparently they will only last 3 years so lucky that Victron have a standard 5 year warranty :)

TBH, I don't know the real pros and cons of HF vs LF inverters but I think the HF ones are more common and modern and a lot more compact. I think some folk state the Victrons are LF inverters because they have a big torodial transformer but that is used for voltage conversion not frequency (the FETS are used for that, switching 20,000 times to make 50Hz)

Ref the listing specifically, I have doubts about the quality of THEIR product and data due to the way the info is presented :(

And I don't like this bit either ...
After 14 days to 1 year(based on the purchase data): Free repaire,buyer pay for return postage and resend postage.Or we can send parts for repair , buyer responsible for the postage
So after a fortnight you have to pay international shipping there and back or fix it yourself with bits you had to pay to get sent to you (and maybe have to send the old ones back at your expense?).

I'd be inclined to get one from Amazon, such as this one. https://amzn.to/2TLHsr0
£180 for a decent quality unit and Amazon will oversee the warranty ( I bought an 2500W Edecoa Inverter and it failed after 6 months - got a refund within a couple of days of contacting Amazon for an RMA Return)

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