Dunnit got me a plunge saw


Earned a bit of extra money doing a few jobs so bought myself the ultimate weapon in self build technology.....a PLUNGE SAW!! not only a plunge saw but the daddy of plunge saws a FESSTOLL ,Trouble is its stirring the longings to start another build, I must resist ,is there a place I could phone when this urge comes upon me, like on the lines of alchoholics anonymous ,do the Priory have a ward with a kind phsyciatrist to talk us out of it ,ah well I'l just fit some doors and build some cupboards or something till the urge passes.oh and as a little survey along the lines of 'we call our motorhome Freddy whats your pet name for your motorhome' does any body out there have a pet name for there plunge saw

n brown

Forum Member
calm down immediately !
everything will be ok. just get yourself a sheet of 6mm and chop it up a lot. there- that's better innit ? later i'll describe an incredibly handy saw guide you can make yourself


Forum Member
Had to google that, I didn't know what it was.....another piece of information I won't be needing, ah well. :have fun:


Forum Member
Yes I had to google it I thought they were called circular saws just shows what I know, they look pretty anyway do they do them in pink.

Martin P

Forum Member
Fabulous bit of kit, great for slicing up sheet materials and for slicing off horns and door fitting. Just be aware that in rare instances they can catch and jump back which could possibly go back over your free hand. This is why they recommend you keep both hands on the saw. Sometimes you need a hand on the track but you need to make sure that if it jumps and runs back it isn't going to cut any bits of your hand off


Had to google that, I didn't know what it was.....another piece of information I won't be needing, ah well. :have fun:

No piece of information however small and irrelevant is without use and may one day totally rock someone else world.
I was explaining to a news reader in-between filming, about my Rover being one of the first engines with a removable head, philistine couldn’t stop laughing, as he had no idea what I was talking about.

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