Dremel Clones


I wanted to remove some excess Zinc spray on some Bren Gun Carrier wheels, and after faffing around with emery cloth I looked at a Dremel tool.

Not impressed with the price of genuine kit, especially as I wouldn't be using it that often, but a Chinese knock-off at £24 seemed a better solution, I could always go genuine if the need arose.

For that money you get a motor head, flexible drive and some assorted tools like small emery wheels etc etc.

I used it on one of the wheel sets to get rid of the Zinc overspray:


The cylindrical emery wheels were fine but didn't last that long, I got a fresh batch from ebay and they were much better.

Finished wheel:


Today I received two packs of HSS saw blades to go on the machine, 5 sizes and an arbor. A quick test on a scrap piece of ceiling cladding shows that they will do the job of slotting the rear of the last ceiling piece in the Mercedes, and I'll try it tonight after work.



I have an Aldi Dremel clone, it's brilliant but I find genuine Dremel attachments last much longer than the ones you get with the clone machines.
Rich (a Mk1 Bren owner) ;)


Thanks, Rich, I'm not a Carrier owner, I just like the wheels for the engine trollies :)




I had a genuine Dremel some years ago, before the intoroduction of variable speed(!) and used it a lot. When it finally gave up working, I got a Cotech one (clas ohlson own brand). Comes in a smart moulded case with lots of accessories including flexible shaft. Digital readout of speeds. Quite impressed so far.


Forum Member
have a dremel for modeling but when i was running my shotblasting and painting biz we often did m/bike wheels and we always put big washers with a bit of stud bar through the axal before blasting and spraying.


I have a Black & Decker Wizard which performs well and dremel tools fit.
Can't remember when I bought it but it was quite a few years ago.


Sunday 22nd March @ Aldi

Multi tool

Just what you need to tackle intricate home improvement jobs or modelling projects.

135W power with variable speed control
8000-32,500rpm, no load speed
Spindle lock
Hanging loop
2.4mm/3.2mm collet size

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