Creepy crawlies


Forum Member
Hmmmmm, over the last two years I've battled with spiders, I'm adverse to killing anything so have endured them as they only usually build the odd cobb Web and do catch the odd mosquito and fly, but over the past few months the common garden spider has been swapped out by these ginormous False Widow spiders, we have lived with one for over 6 months that scuttles back into the maxi heki which is just over our bed. Eileen like me will tolerate most insects (You have to when travelling on the continent) but when sleeping on the last outing one the size of two pence piece dropped down infront of my half awake gaze and landed somewhere close to my head, it must have moved like a Hypersonic rocket because I jumped up threw the blanket back but it had disappeared, never to be found. This was the last straw so I've purchased a fumigation Bomb off Amazon which shortly I'll set off in the van to say good bye for now to our unwelcome guests. Just wondering if anyone else is suffering with the same problem. 😧 Phil.

Millie Master

Forum Member
Phil; I too dislike killing any living creature with the exception of rodents, mosquitos, midges, blue bottles, house flies and crane flies.

As for spiders and their webs, if they can resist the suction of my powerful Black & Decker rechargeable portable vacuum, then they can live and even if they do get sucked up, as I always immediately empty the canister and they can survive, it's fine by me. ;)

Pudsey Bear

Forum Member
I must be an awful person as I have zero qualms about killing anything that doesn't wear clothes or has more than four legs which invades my space.

If one had landed that close to my face I'd still be screaming I think ugh.


Forum Member
Well yesterday I did both vans with the insecticide smoke bombs, opening every cupboard and bunk, put the bombs on large dinner plates light blue touch paper and retire. Only to hear both vans loadly peeping. Hell forgot the smoke alarms 😅 in both vans, dived into one and snatched the smoke alarm off the wall mount held my breath but had to keep my eys open to see where I was going eyes watering I moved to the second van and did the same now two screeching alarms that seem to go on for ever these finally stopped squawking the smoke defo got deep into the alarms so the poor spiders stand no chance.
After 4 hours I re entered the vans and placed a second bomb as advised in the instructions but in a different make. This time I lit a little like candle wick and it was like those table top fireworks for those that remember them,
Suddenly it was like the mount Vesuvius
Ones sparks flying and copious amounts
of smoke luckily they were large dinner plates and the sparks did not go as high as the seat cushions quite a different experience from the first ones and quite alarming initially. However they both ran their course which is only 20 or 30 seconds but filled the vans with a heavy smoke screen. As to wether they have done the job remains to be seen, but after airing out this morning both vans have a mild smoke smell which I hope will dissipate before we go on our first trip mid February. Phil


Forum Member
I think there should be a warning of the sparks but all it says is place on 300mm Square heat proof mat. Not that this little plastic container will erupt when you light the wick 😄. Phil

Pudsey Bear

Forum Member
I think there should be a warning of the sparks but all it says is place on 300mm Square heat proof mat. Not that this little plastic container will erupt when you light the wick 😄. Phil
Can you comment about the product on Google reviews Phil? I often read them before buying stuff.


Forum Member
The reason I leave reviews is my youngest son is a wizard at buying off the Internet but he always reads reviews, cosher ones are easily recognised he says and I believe he's right, you can tell if a review is false, so I always give a review but not over the top and always give a negative review if the product does not stand up. To be fair even my neg reviews are published on both Amazon and Google. Phil.

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