Compression locking latch


Forum Member
Trying to source a couple of these to replace two knackered ones while I am doing my very sensible midwinter repaint.
latch 1.jpg
latch 2.jpg

These are to fit a cut out of 99 x 23.5 mm on the locker doors.
I have found a company called trailertekcom in Winchester that have them but just shy of £60 for two delivered seems ludicrous.
Anyone know of another source.


Forum Member
Look for horse box locker catches....

Thanks for that, have trawled through ebay but can't find a size match they are all a bit smaller, my cutouts are in aluminium panels. I will keep looking before resorting to butchery.


Forum Member
The price seems about right to me mate.

They don't seem to have yours, but other similar things from this lot who I've always found pretty good on prices.

It just annoys me that the originals are made in China, as are all the ones on ebay and the trailertek ones. Trailertek not only double the price but want £9.60 postage grrrrrrrr.


Forum Member
Just noticed your signoff line @Bouydog

why use one screw when six will do......

I had a friend who worked for GWR, when that was what they called. He was chief engineer for one area and they apparently had the saying at the time:

never use 3x4 when we've got 6x8 in store

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