Cold starting


Forum Member
As the title suggests we have a 07 Ducato which if it’s freezing or warm will start no problems. However if it’s mild as today it will start though will Chuck until it’s left to warmed up approximately 15/20 minutes. If we try to drive it then it surges until warm then it fine.

We’ve changed three of the glow plugs the forth was seized though was working so we left it alone fuel lines have all been replaced as has the diesel filter. We’ve heard that it could be the air sensor not sending a signal to the ecu for it to allow the glow plugs to heat the cylinders !!!

Though we’ve not been able to find the sensor so does anyone have an idea where it could be or any other solution to the problem please.

Many thanks


Forum Member
The fact that it will splutter if you try to move within 15mins of starting tells me its not to do with the pre heater plugs Ken. I feel its more to do with an auto enrichment system not working correctly (Choke in the old language ), not certain how it works as I left the motor trade before all this electronic wizardry became common.😏Phil


Forum Member
Cheers Phil
I’ll see what I can find out!! It’s been suggested that I post it on a Fiat forum!! So will have a search for one!!
Thank you

Millie Master

Forum Member
Mmmmmmmmmmmm that's a hard one Ken.
Sorry to question what Phil suggests, but I doubt if it is anything to do with an auto enrichment as your engine is a diesel and as far as I know your engine won't have one.

Is the exhaust chucking out any white smoke until it is fully warmed up?
Have you checked the inside of the oil filler cap to see if there is any emulsification on it?
Has the coolant level dropped?
If any of the above 3 questions is yes, then you might have a leaking head gasket.

What mileage has the engine done?

But this is my guess Ken, as the problem appears to be heat related, as a starter for ten it sounds to me as if somehow air is getting into the fuel line and tracing that kind of fault is an absolute nightmare to undertake!! I would start off by fully bleeding the fuel-line system and re-sealing any connection.

Fingers crossed



Forum Member
Morning Phil
We’ve replaced fuel lines the filter put cleaner in replaced 4 of the 5 glow plugs though the 5th was working fine. There’s no drop in coolant no sign of water ingress on oil filler cap or dip stick. Also no fault codes the conclusion we’ve come to is that the 5th glow plug isn’t 100% and the engine is running on four until the fifth cylinder warms up. We can live with it as it just means letting it warm up before we move off. Which is fine if wilding though we feel a little awkward when on a site leaving it idling
Thanks for the replies all


Forum Member
Morning Phil
We’ve replaced fuel lines the filter put cleaner in replaced 4 of the 5 glow plugs though the 5th was working fine. There’s no drop in coolant no sign of water ingress on oil filler cap or dip stick. Also no fault codes the conclusion we’ve come to is that the 5th glow plug isn’t 100% and the engine is running on four until the fifth cylinder warms up. We can live with it as it just means letting it warm up before we move off. Which is fine if wilding though we feel a little awkward when on a site leaving it idling
Thanks for the replies all
Just searching the Net for a solution to your problem Ken and came across this which sounds very much like your situation, read right to the end as a solution was finally given.



Forum Member
Cheers Phil
Thanks for that (I think) we’ve replaced all the fuel lines from the tank so hopefully it’s not that!! It’s fine when the weather is warm, so it’s got us puzzled though being a stubborn bugger I’ll get to the problem even if it means drilling out the seized glow plug!!

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