I know it doesn't look like it, but trying to keep things simple the water heater will be directly powered from the solid state relay. This relay is controlled from the Cerbo. As it is there is no easy way to turn the water heater off! So a single pole switch is required in the relay signal wire to disconnect it. It also would be nice to be able to override the Cerbo and manually turn on the water heater. Here we have the danger of leaving it on consuming the batteries whilst unattended. So this override switch needs a timer in it. This is where Wildebus's timer jumps in.
Have I over simplified this or will it work?
Those timers are very neat.
Word of note .... When I was rewiring mine to go with the new layout board I noticed the action of tightening the wires on the 2-pin connectors exposed a dry joint on the PCB (pretty typical actually with the through-pin 2 pin connectors due to the twist-stress). I just resoldered all the joints on the connectors and would recommended you do the same.
But yes, it should work fine and just as you want. You can set the timer from between 1 minute and 90 minutes. I find my 10L tank on AC takes around 50 minutes before it cuts out with the thermostat and set my timer for 60 minutes so will give a full duration heat before cutting off (it does take a fair lump out the battery of course!)
There are a couple of different ways to wire it up but I think the way I wired it up works best for our kind of setups ... link the two pins in "KEY" together, and then connect the PCBs +ve to the switch. This kicks off the timer as soon as you give it power.
This I think is better than having it powered up all the time and using the "KEY" to start it, as it means the timer is only on and consuming power when you are using it.