Chinese digital controller


Forum Member
Hi I’m Frank, I have a van with Chinese heater. I don’t find instructions for the controller (picture below) . If someone can help me. It run fine but no time and temperature on this controller.
Thank you


Forum Member
Welcome Frank,

I cant help with instructions as such but with the front of the unit you can download a translation app on your phone and using the camera it will translate the text shown.

Good luck


Forum Member
I recognise this heater controller so I did a search ...
funny thing is if you do a search for "chinese heater controller manual" the first link is to a thread I posted on this very forum :D
Unfortunately I didn't post any instructions, but I was able to say:
"Initial stumbling block as no instructions and buttons in Chinese, but now I have sussed it out, this controller is actually pretty good. It has a temp sensor in so you can set a target for the heater to go to; It also has a clock and you can set 2 timers for it to go and and off (it is just a 24 hour clock, no days, so you cannot set different profiles for say weekdays and weekends)."
So it does work :)
Here is one with the buttons labelled in English which will help a bit I think ...
I did eventually find a manual for it but I have no idea where it is. If I come across it, I will post it up.

FWIW, I think most people ditch this controller and fit one of the graphical LCD Controllers instead.


Forum Member
Thank you for your quick answer, I searched every where on web but no instruction or procedure. Wildbus if you find your book again I’m very interested thank


Forum Member
Thank you for your quick answer, I searched every where on web but no instruction or procedure. Wildbus if you find your book again I’m very interested thank
once these things get stuck in my head, I have to try and deal with it, so will go and look now (I have a vague idea where it is!)


Forum Member
Thank you for your quick answer, I searched every where on web but no instruction or procedure. Wildbus if you find your book again I’m very interested thank
I have found another manual in my shed that includes the instructions., so scanned them and made a PDF.
I don't know what this controller is called, so I am referring to it by the name of an "iPOD" style as it reminds me of the early iPODs with the round control area. You can find a link to the PDF here -


Forum Member
Oh. I have not seen that before.
There is a Facebook group that is dedicated to "Chinese Heaters". It might be worth checking that out? As usual with Facebook groups, there is lot of rubbish posted, but there is good stuff as well so might find something useful?


Forum Member
Yes thank you I will check that with my daughter. I have no agreement for that !
Nice week end


Forum Member

The instructions for your heater can be found on the facebook page.
the link is: but I think you need to be a member of the Private group to access.

I took a screenshot to give you a start.

The Document author noted that this is a very basic controller and likely not swappable with the more common one.

I won't copy the rest as not fair on the guy who did the doc for his facebook group but at least you know where to find the full thing.
He describes it as a "3-digits black/blue display"

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