chinese diesel heater afterburner


Forum Member
It's a good looking product :)

Here is some info I menitioned which may be of interest ....
This is the bit I really like the sound of and think takes the heater up to a new level .... "MQTT functionality is a recent addition which makes it a real IoT device where you can control and monitor your unit over the Internet"

Thank you for your interest in the Afterburner.

Unfortunately I am rebuilding my stocks of PCBs after waiting for parts, so not able to immediately fulfill orders at this time.
If you like, I can add you to my list?
If you can also indicate your preferred model (per below) it will help me plan on numbers of which style boards I need to build to get back atop of the list.
Please do not make payment until I am ready to ship.

Shipping time is usually about 2 weeks after being lodged.

An important question; is your heater compatible with the Afterburner?
Please look at the first few pages of the User Manual to help determine this.
If in doubt, feel free to send me a picture or two of your existing controller.

Purchase options
I have 3 options for the Afterburner
Prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD), including express post shipping within Australia:
109AUD ea: No GPIO (General Purpose I/O)
129AUD ea: Full GPIO (single analogue input + 2 Digital inputs and outputs).
139AUD ea: Full GPIO + BME280 sensor

The table at may help show the differences between the models.

Options for a 433MHz receiver and key fob now exist for all models:
10AUD for the receiver, fitted.
10AUD for a key fob transmitter, programmed and paired to the Afterburner.

Additional postage to common international destinations:
Europe & UK : +25AUD
North American continent : +20AUD
New Zealand : +15AUD

For any option, please specify the following:

Is your existing controller connector:
Snap together triangular?
Screw together round?
Preferred case and button colours:
Case: black or white
Buttons: white, grey, blue, red or black.

All units are supplied with a DS18B20 temperature sensor on a 1m lead for the primary thermostat function.


If you prefer I can issue a Paypal invoice, for which you must supply your shipping address.

GPIO option
The GPIO extension allows you to attach external switches, or indicators/relays.
A momentary switch input can be used to start or stop the heater or even use an external thermostat.
The outputs can be set as user controlled, so you could turn on a light for instance.
I know of one person using the analogue input to read a fuel sender in his diesel tank.

Other than the ability to use the GPIO functions, the ability to remotely control, timers, special features etc remains consistent across all variants.

BME280 sensor option
The BME280 sensor option allows altitude information to be reported to the heater.
I cannot however warrant that the heater will actually modify its behaviour according to altitude.
Some may, some may not.
The sensor also provides humidity and temperature readings from the onboard sensor.
An option to start the heater if the humidity rises too much which may be useful in a workshop environment to protect from rust.

MQTT functionality is a recent addition which makes it a real IoT device where you can control and monitor your unit over the Internet.

More details can be found at

Please also note that Bluetooth mode is not supported on iOS devices.




Forum Member
Have to say in the many years I've had dealing with eberspacher type heaters....
I've never discovered the need for anything beyond the 801 type with diagnostics enabled....

Remote switching is pretty much pointless in my experience as they use so little fuel its better off left running.


Forum Member
The only problem I can foresee with his system is that we have an iPhone and I am not sure that this is compatible with it.


Forum Member
The only problem I can foresee with his system is that we have an iPhone and I am not sure that this is compatible with it.
From the initial reading, the Bluetooth side is not compatible with IOS (I would not be surprised if solely down to how much Apple charge developers for access to their system - prohibitive to hobbyists :( ).
However the IoT (Internet of Things) side likely uses a web browser to control it, and that should be device independent, so don't discount being able to use the Afterburner even with an iPhone ;)


Forum Member
Have to say in the many years I've had dealing with eberspacher type heaters....
I've never discovered the need for anything beyond the 801 type with diagnostics enabled....

Remote switching is pretty much pointless in my experience as they use so little fuel its better off left running.
The Chinese heater have no temp control. So if you leave them running, they will not adjust themselves depending on the temp, which an Eberspacher will, when installed correctly with an 801 controller. That is a key limit with these heaters.
I have a "case study" where remote control is used very successfully on the Chinese heater and the owner is very pleased I added it :). If he looks out the window and sees it is a cold day, he sends a text to his van to start the heater. Then it is nice and toasty when he is ready to leave after breakfast.
Yes, he could go out and start the heater, but easier to send a text :D
(You can stand up, walk over and press a button on a TV to change the channel or adjust the volume, but most people use a remote control and they are just a few feet away and in the same room! How lazy is that!)
I have a key fob remote on my heater in the Camper and found it great to be able to just hit the "on" button when waking up in the morning and deciding to put the heater on while still lying in bed 😂


Forum Member
the owner is very pleased :). If he looks out the window and sees it is a cold day, he sends a text to his van to start the heater. Then it is nice and toasty when he is ready to leave after breakfast.
We were thinking on the same lines. If we were going out on a cold frosty morning, and it does get cold up here in Fife, what could be better than jumping into a van where the windows have been defrosted and nice and warm inside: far better than sitting in your coat and gloves driving 'til the van warms up and it won't be the first time the door locks have been frozen. I think it a good thing to have and I well be getting one.


Forum Member
We were thinking on the same lines. If we were going out on a cold frosty morning, and it does get cold up here in Fife, what could be better than jumping into a van where the windows have been defrosted and nice and warm inside: far better than sitting in your coat and gloves driving 'til the van warms up and it won't be the first time the door locks have been frozen. I think it a good thing to have and I well be getting one.
Reminds me I haven’t wired in the auto demist with my M12 eberspacher.


Forum Member
Got one....... now all I need is a van

Sprinter 1 cup

Forum Member
I like the orange man ! my luki.

Bluetoot in van = a old phone no sim, works for victron and heater = nice

But what I'd like ray is a second programmable timer as 1 on / off is ok for mornings. but would like to start diesel heater at a3/4am for 30/60 mins also . so no need for hat in bed. As like said above they can't be left on all night as they heat van to well.

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