Battery only lasts 2 years and a bit?


Forum Member
A lot of modern cars won't start anyway until the clutch is pressed, as does our Fiesta but I never press the van's clutch.
A fiesta is not a car but a unreliable skip on wheels, we had one here 30 years back, worst bit of crap ever, I see a big fight looming and im of to bed, pronto.:eek:


Forum Member
My vehicle battery shows signs of dying: voltage is reasonable, but the engine turns over so slowly I reckon it won't start one day.

It's a November 2020 van, but mileage is crazy low - 6,000 - and was hardly used in the first year while I built it, so I'm thinking it's not been discharged and charged enough in that time (though it's had an Ablemail maintainer on it). civil 3d add ons

Is this the most likely cause, do we think?
Welcome to the forum! That’s an interesting question—it sounds like you’ve done a lot of research already. It’s definitely possible that the battery has not been discharged and charged enough in the first year, but it could also be any other number of things like a faulty battery or a connection issue. It might be worth having it checked out by a professional to make sure you get the best possible advice. Good luck with your travels!
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Forum Member
I have an AMT12-2
Yes, I have that as well. I think I saw your posts about it, but I'd forgotten them, so I'll go back and have a read. Thanks.

I have Victron monitoring all over everything and I can see that the Ablemail is maintaining a constant voltage, but it's at just under 12.2V, and I'd prefer it a bit higher. However, it's been like that since I built the van so it's probably not the direct cause.

I've just been on a couple of days away, with a 2-hour trip trip in each direction, and the start-stop kicked in on the way back, so hopefully the battery is now happy. I'll keep an eye on it for a bit.

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