12v issues please help! Half working electrics


Forum Member
Thanks for the replies.

The fuse board and the battery are both bolted to the chassis via two separate bolts. From the fuse board my wires run to the switches where they chain up the switches and then earth back on via a single earth cable to another bolt in the chassis next to the switches. How does that sound?
Another point, I tested the battery this morning at 12.6volts, the fuse board at 12.6v, the start of the live from the fuse board to the switch at 12.6v and then got some naff readings at the other end of the switch. Same for all the lives going to the switches.

I keep coming back to the random thought that it all must be wired correctly at it comes on when the power from the starter battery is put through the circuit.


Forum Member
Just as Sprinter 1 cup says I would run a temporary wire from fuse box earth to hab battery negative just to eliminate it at this point


Forum Member
Sorry if you've covered this - have you measured voltage at the lights themselves? Maybe you've got a larger than expected volt drop in the lighting cables? Then they might not fire until you get a much larger voltage going to them.

Have you tried a buck-boost voltage regulator with them?


Forum Member
Thanks for having a think about this for me.
As I said I'm new to this despite it being my second conversion.

Just thinking now, I've currently got 2 out of three switches wired up but I've chained all the earth's together on all 3 switches, would this make the third switch part of the open circuit so meaning it's not working????

Hopefully yes!


If you have 12.6v on one side of the switch and not the other side then either you have connected the switch wrongly or the switch is defective. You cannot have 12.6v going into a switch that is turned on and nothing on the output, that just cant happen unless it is defective.

The earths of the switches are irrelevant to your problem but I have to ask are the earths there for leds in the switches?


Forum Member
If everything works properly when the engine is running via the split charge but now when only on hab bank then it’s got to be wiring fault or fuse problem on hab supply/return side surely?

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