Search results

  1. Victron mppt 100/30

    Settings for gel batteries are lower than other lead acid types and vary quite a lot depending on the manufacturers recommendations, look online for what the manufacturer says. I think that also Victron has a list of a variety of different battery brands/types and the appropriate settings but if...
  2. Sodium Ion Battery Bank ?

    They do look like the way forward but not yet unfortunately. I've not gone into them massively but it seems the big disadvantage with them is the discharge voltage which drops off quite badly and continuously as they discharge. So yes those cells may well give you 200A for an hour but a vast...
  3. Drinking Water kits

    I've considered exactly the same thing but came to the conclusion that I'd simply end up with a second water system that had all the same issues as the first and would need sterilising/cleaning/treating in exactly the same way before each re-use. I did consider something like this...
  4. 12v cable size

    Cable guage is dependent according to the current it's going to carry (so you need to establish that first, if you only know the wattage then divide that figure by 12 to give you the current in amps.)it's total length and whether it runs through insulation. 12volt planet has a decent calculator...

    I think they really help ;) :)

    What a great idea Trev ;)
  7. Which Adhesive to attach cellotex to aluminium sheets

    Because both surfaces aren't perfectly flat I personally wouldn't use contact adhesive because it'll only stick in the odd places that it touches. As you say you need something that'll fill the slight gaps (to avoid a void) but doesn't cost a fortune because you're going to need quiet a bit of...
  8. Inverter help needed

    Well Puds wanted to keep it cheap, he's probably not replied to your post cos he collapsed when he opened that link to a £200 B2B😧. Probably wouldn't work anyway as more than 24v needed to charge a 24v battery unless he buys a 2nd mttp charger for the job.(more fainting) I've actually had Flexi...
  9. Inverter help needed

  10. Inverter help needed

    Yep, that's what your looking for(y)
  11. Inverter help needed

    Genuine MPPT controllers sometimes emit a faint high pitched whistle/whine too.
  12. Inverter help needed

    I've no idea mate, all I know is a lot of cheap solar controlers are advertised as MPPT but in reality they aren't. Open it up and if it's got a large coil inside then it's legit. Merl
  13. Inverter help needed

    When I say 12v solar panels I'm referring to solar panels that would typically be used on a 12v solar system such as puds'...
  14. Inverter help needed

    A 12v panel charging 24v battery via a cheapo charge controller....really? Surely a charger employing buck voltage boost would be needed and I expect they come cheap but I could be wrong, (as SWIMBO will confirm I'm sure):unsure: Merl
  15. Inverter help needed

    Remember you may not need to go all the way back to your Hab battery to get it's power. Depending on the cable sizes you used during fitout you can possibly get it at your split charger, power/fuse panel, or solar charger. Merl
  16. Inverter help needed

    Forget about 12v to 24 volt charger, way too complicated and if you can find one it'll cost you, stick with using the inverter and a mains charger. Can you find the Ah capacity of the scooter battery? I suggest choosing a charger of around 30% and not exceeding 50% of the Ah rate so if your...
  17. Inverter help needed

    you going for the 4A mains charger?
  18. Inverter help needed

    If you hardwire stuff in now and you find that it still doesn't fulfil your needs you'll be re-doing it again mate. 😩
  19. Inverter help needed

    But you've got that control over charging already by using the fag lighter output mate. Why would using a relay in the way you describe improve your charging capability?
  20. Inverter help needed

    The amount of solar charge going to the cab batt won't be reliable, so best to stick with coming off the habitation bat if needs be. Much easier to use longer cabling off of your hab batt than working around discharging your cab batt accidentally. Merl.