Recent content by Nabsim

  1. Nabsim

    Mercedes 814D Removal Van Body - Boudicca

    What was the vehicle originally, a library bus? Is the side door one of the ones made for horse boxes or a caravan style door?
  2. Nabsim

    Uprating my van weight.

    I have 3 different weight plates on mine, original of 3850kgs, previous owner up plate of 4000kgs and latest is my down plate of 3500kgs. The up and down were both done with SVTech and I found them extremely helpful and efficient :)
  3. Nabsim

    Sodium Ion Battery Bank ?

    The German guy that does the Off-Grid Garage Youtube channel has done a couple of videos on them. From what he has found they are never going to be the battery of choice for vehicles, more of a home application. Cant remember the reason now but if you watch his vids you won't need to put up with...
  4. Nabsim

    Mercedes 814D Removal Van Body - Boudicca

    You and Trev most likely blocking everything lol. Here are the pics, slightly cropped as I just used a screenshot app to capture them.
  5. Nabsim

    Mercedes 814D Removal Van Body - Boudicca

    Pics open for me
  6. Nabsim

    Mercedes 814D Removal Van Body - Boudicca

    Cant think of his name at the moment but the guy who is on Youtube as Rusty Rose Adventures has done a few videos on maintaining old Mercs. May not be same model but probably a few similarities.
  7. Nabsim

    Violating a Princess!

    Sorry cant answer you, only experience of PHGV and PLG I have are when my van was plated at 4t and now it is plated at 3.5T. I have seen vehicles built for disabled use can be heavier (is it 4250kgs) and still eligible for standard car license, may be they don't get classed as PHGV but I am...
  8. Nabsim

    Violating a Princess!

    My van was PHGV until I got it down plated so that would seem consistent. What were you thinking it would be?
  9. Nabsim

    Drinking Water kits

    I almost always use a watering can to fill my tank but it is only used for the van. Apart from my fresh tank I also carry a number of 5 litre bottles that I refill until they are no longer usable. If I was worried about the water in my tank I would fit a filter to the kitchen cold tap
  10. Nabsim

    How do I connect 12VDC Heat Trace cable to power supply?

    If its trace heating you also need some other stuff which I presume you have, (switch/thermostat)? If not the trace heating will be a constant drain on your battery
  11. Nabsim

    Low solar panel yield

    I am wandering around the highlands and you are harvesting more than me, I am averaging 40 to 60W a day off 300W flat on the roof.
  12. Nabsim

    E-00 undervoltage

    Yes, the leads that come with diesel heaters can be quite long. Probably okay if heater is close to the battery and you can do away with most of the cable but not so good if you need to run 5metres or so. I swapped feed cable for 25amp for diesel heater.
  13. Nabsim

    Spray foam insulation.

    I am fully aware of that, particularly when it comes to gas lol
  14. Nabsim

    Spray foam insulation.

    Think spray foam done properly is best for thickness and performance but as said with your straight, flat walls Kinspan type should be great. Someone mention the sticky pins that Greg Virgo used, I remember seeing those and thinking how much easier it seemed to make fitting.
  15. Nabsim

    Sticky solar panel

    I think unless you are going to do a proper job then put a bolt through it, I have seen people not following instructions and also glue to dodgy paintwork. I contacted Sika and told them what I was wanting to do, they advised me how to do it (with just glue), I followed their instructions and am...