Superseal connectors

Chris Evans001

Forum Member
God, what a bloody misery wiring superseal connectors! Seems a real knack to them... Glad a bought spares.

Although weatherproof and seem popular, I had to give up trying to make them in the van. Just too fiddly so brought it all inside and sat at a bench to do them. šŸ„µ



Forum Member
Yes you need to ruin a few before you get the knack.

ps. Give the terminals a good pull to make sure they are crimped properly.


Forum Member
I didn't know they went by the name of "superseal" connectors! I've got a load of those :). They can be fiddly for sure and one limiting factor I find is the cable gauge they support (pretty limiting). Using thin-wall cable also makes it a little easier.
FWIW, I usually use needle-point pliers rather then crimpers (the connector is so small it is hard to see what you are going with big crimpers I find) and solder the wire as well.

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