Recent content by TonyM

  1. Camper van water system

    Thank you @Nabsim and @Sprinter 1 cup for sharing your experience. I definitely agree that dealing with microbes is a priority, and for that you need to either get all surfaces hot enough to kill them or clean regularly using bleach or some disinfectant. Of course, this also applies to cold...
  2. Camper van water system

    I've come up with a solution: an extra 3-way valve that allows cold water to be drawn from the other tank if needed -- it requires temporary disruption of the recycling mode, but I think it will work for my needs. I appreciate all the help regarding whether this is feasible. Thanks again.
  3. Camper van water system

    @Squiffy After thinking about it some more, I think I've found a fault with my plan. Although I had not mentioned it, I was assuming that I would still be able to use the shower and sink water as normal while filling the large tank with hot water via recirculation. But when I was describing it...
  4. Camper van water system

    @wildebus let me know when and how you want to schedule the discussion
  5. Camper van water system

    @wildebus not sure why you'd think I'm trying to keep secrets when I offered to have a long discussion about it? But thanks for the entertaining post!
  6. Camper van water system

    @Squiffy thanks, this is encouraging. I've worked with a lot of valves for house and sprinkler systems, but I've never worked with a system of valves like this that have to work together in different modes, particularly with a pump. Also, the pump recycling part is intriguing to me. Of course...
  7. Camper van water system

    @wildebus thanks for these additional comments. I can now see that I misinterpreted you when you wrote that it was “absolutely a solution” — I now believe you are really saying that it is unworkable and you wouldn’t recommend it. Although not what I wanted to hear, that’s why I ask others for...
  8. Camper van water system

    @Squiffy thanks for your comments. I too am in favor of making things as simple as possible. But as others smarter than I have said, "not simpler" So, if you can describe for me a simpler way to achieve the goals Ive listed, I'm eager for the help. As to why I want what I want, that's another...
  9. Camper van water system

    @wildebus I said "unique" because I am unaware of anyone recirculating water through a small campervan type water heater to heat a large (100L) tank of water. So I added the word "large" to my original post to hopefully help clear up that confusion. The Truma combi does a good job of producing...
  10. Camper van water system

    Thanks for your comment @Pudsey Bear -- if you have a way to provide the features I want in a simpler way, I'd be very interested. Those features are implied in my original post, but here's another way of listing them: 1) ability to use, fill 2 tanks (including from streams) 2) ability to fill...
  11. Camper van water system

    I'm plumbing the water system for my campervan and made the following schematic to show the different modes it can operate. Although I'm an experienced DIYer, I've never tackled a plumbing job this complicated and I'd appreciate any advice before I actually do this. Producing a large tank of...