

What are the pros & cons for side ventilation....Plastic or Stainless Steel?


Irritable Owl

I used aluminium vents from eBay.. They come in different sizes and different colours and are not expensive..aluminium is better than plastic as plastic can deteriorate in the elements.
I think they look eater too


batteries only need a 20mm hole in the floor to take a rubber grommet through which is pushed the vent tube(s)

Nice one :dance::dance: one less hole, do I have to vent the cupboard where the electrics r being housed?


Nice one :dance::dance: one less hole, do I have to vent the cupboard where the electrics r being housed?

No, as long as the batteries are correctly vented using a tube which pushes into the side of the battery and can then exit the van wherever you wish, within reason. My batts vent through the floor within 18" of the batts. This is assuming you are using open batteries, which are normally the cheapest.
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>This site< looks like it might be of use to you

For a vent tube look at the last photo Clicky thing This will give you an idea as to what size tube you are dealing with.

Oh cool, like the ones on my motorbike batts....excellent :D

Cheers love :D:raofl:

Oh yeah & 'Deep Red' I have read this page (a lot) & have learnt a lot from it.
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I've got a simliar setup to deep red in that we have the Sterling B2B charger, the Remote control for the B2B and the Pro budget charger with twin batteries.
In addition to his I use a Nasa monitor as shown in this link, but can be found a lot cheaper.
Oh and he's got a nice looking motorhome and not a tin tent.

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