Trickle Charging a 24V vehicle


Forum Member
Fot anyone who may be interested in how to maintain their 24V Starter battery set when they only have a 12V Leisure system, there will shortly be an AMT Battery Maintainer that will be a 12-24V setup rather than a simple 12-12 (or 24-24).
Not seen it yet and it will be more expensive as is a lot more to it than simply passing a voltage across (albeit in a controlled manner).

Justr really a heads up for those who have been looking (I don't think there is anything on the market without going into using B2Bs in the 'reversed' direction, which is ratehr a pricey solution.


Forum Member
I remember seeing a we box that did that, 12v to 24v but half the current which makes sense, or am I off on one again.o_O

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