Mercedes Exhaust Mounts - HELP ?


Forum Member
Anyone had any experience of these exhaust mounts as proving a right pain to get off and back on, new ones going back on as below
ExhaustMount (1).jpg


Forum Member
look pretty standard? big screwdriver and levering.
not tried this but if you put the new ones in very hot water they may become more flexible for a while and easier to fit? maybe try that on one of the old ones?
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Forum Member
look pretty standard? big screwdriver and levering.
not tried it this but if you put the new ones in very hot water they may become more flexible for a while and easier to fit? maybe try that on one of the old ones?
Managed it with crowbar, screwdrivers, claw hammer, vaseline, clamps and a load of to'ing and fro'ing plus muchhelp from Lachlann :cool:

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