easy cad program


Hi, I hope someone can help, are there any, free, cad programs to download, that I can put in my measurements, and modify to fit my appliances. The other half would like to know what it will look like before Ido all the work.


Yes, i can only say whats already been said, sketchup is great.



Hi, I hope someone can help, are there any, free, cad programs to download, that I can put in my measurements, and modify to fit my appliances. The other half would like to know what it will look like before Ido all the work.

Just as an aside, if you are really into CAD you can get some fabulous software here for free!

Free Student Software Downloads | Autodesk Education Community

At the basic level Autocad is as easy to use as anything else. It does some wonderful things if you get into it though, as I have for the past 30 years!


Thanks guys, will give sketch up a go, if it wasn't for the other half, I would be using coloured pencils, graph paper and a rubber, like in school.

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