I remember checking the battery on my V-TECH laptop with the original BMV ....I bet you'd struggle to find a modern engineer that knows what a vernier scale is, let alone read one.
Best notdig a slide rule out then ehI bet you'd struggle to find a modern engineer that knows what a vernier scale is, let alone read one.
What ever happened to reddyreconers? (Help if I'm wrong please.)We weren't allowed slide rules in the o levels, only log tables! and you try telling kids today.
Unfortunately they crop up in my work from time to time. Getting the syntax right for the particular software is a pain. I shout for help when ever possible.I remember the Log Tables were essential for tangents, cosines and all those other things you HAD to know for the exams and likely never ever used afterwards![]()
You used to still get tables printed in stationary but not bought anything for a long time that might have had them. Certainly if you bought A4 diaries you could get them. Do you mean the little red (other colours were available) pocket books that just contained tables? I remember when I was an apprentice I had a variety that gave all sorts of conversions but that was before we went decimal
in fact a quick Google: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=g3PfU5VFyScC&pg=PA4&lpg=PA4&dq=conversion+table+pocket+books&source=bl&ots=5u1ExWeiu3&sig=ACfU3U18xvRAT9Drv1ILCARpPTfesoZE2A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjepf2D7abqAhVOhlwKHbnYDpEQ6AEwDHoECAUQAQ#v=onepage&q=conversion table pocket books&f=false