So I'm looking at my first conversion as a reward for writing my car off.
Currently thinking - and I'm open to change! LWB/HiRoof panel van that I'll be driving on a daily basis. Fun but can't justify two cars! Two largeish side windows. Chairs/table-come-double bed towards the front which I somehow need to make able to sit two car seats safely, then kitchen, then transverse bunks (one sofa, the other hinged to form backrest. This will fit against a bulkhead which will be accessible from outside for loo, poss shower, storage...
I'm on a tightish budget. Set myself a grand (and so far have put together a basic list of 3 grand! I'm not good at budgeting)
Thoughts are get caravan windows, fit, paint, insulate using foam, foil tape, foil-covered bubble wrap, wire up then 6mm ply all around and up above, with 9mm below. I like the grain but I suppose I could use chip board and cover to save money? Thrown in a few quid for 2nd hand appliances and cushions. LOTS of this is speculative as I have no idea how much I'll actually need. I've attached my budget - anyone with 5m able to say I've budgeted for too much/too little of anything, missed something big, or got my prices alllllll wrong?
View attachment 19820
Currently thinking - and I'm open to change! LWB/HiRoof panel van that I'll be driving on a daily basis. Fun but can't justify two cars! Two largeish side windows. Chairs/table-come-double bed towards the front which I somehow need to make able to sit two car seats safely, then kitchen, then transverse bunks (one sofa, the other hinged to form backrest. This will fit against a bulkhead which will be accessible from outside for loo, poss shower, storage...
I'm on a tightish budget. Set myself a grand (and so far have put together a basic list of 3 grand! I'm not good at budgeting)
Thoughts are get caravan windows, fit, paint, insulate using foam, foil tape, foil-covered bubble wrap, wire up then 6mm ply all around and up above, with 9mm below. I like the grain but I suppose I could use chip board and cover to save money? Thrown in a few quid for 2nd hand appliances and cushions. LOTS of this is speculative as I have no idea how much I'll actually need. I've attached my budget - anyone with 5m able to say I've budgeted for too much/too little of anything, missed something big, or got my prices alllllll wrong?
View attachment 19820