A new van which can't be used and is just sitting there on the drive!

Millie Master

Forum Member
A close friend has recently taken delivery of his brand new Coachman conversion.

It is the first of a new model and he was so impatient to get it delivered that it now is sitting on his drive and that is exactly where it will continue to sit as it is still awaiting full type approval by the DVLA as it is the 1st of a new model being made in Sweden!
As the DVLA are so far behind with everything these days it looks like his immaculate new van is going to be sitting there for some time yet!!


Sprinter 1 cup

Forum Member
Just insure as a spinter and drive it. Its there system and they need to fix it or we take our business elsewhere. Dvla to police all broken or in the such a back log nothing gets done !.

If it was electric paperwork would be done by now.. lol

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